Watercolor Painting of my back yard in Northern California

Thursday, June 9, 2022



My 33rd Great Grandfather
Born 7 August 943 - Died 8 July 975

Patron Saint of Kings and Widowers


When I have a rough day, and my pain is ratcheted up and I feel like complaining, I often glance at the saint of the day to find that the Catholic world is celebrating at least ONE illustrious ancestor of mine.  Often, MORE than one is involved, which can be overwhelming to meditate upon, or even to write about, but I feel oddly supported by the numbers. (More about that later.)

Typically, as in today's saint, that ancestor has some weighty responsibilities and, comparing mine to his or hers, can help put things in perspective.

As it happens, today's calendar has quite a few of my relatives, as well as some favorites like Macrina "The Elder," known as one of the Desert Mothers and an example to me. But I can't write about them all just now because it is 11 p.m. and I am going to try to do this post quickly so I can at least make an effort to get into bed.


One thing I particularly appreciate about this grandfather is that he was so successful in unifying the English realm that it never devolved back into the handful of minor kingdoms such as East Anglia, Mercia, Northumberland, Wessex, York, etc., etc. When crowned, he became king of a cohesive kingdom.

In these days of much talked-about divisiveness between the two major parties in the American political scene, I feel that we could certainly use the gifts of someone like Edgar the Peaceful.

Also, the ritual of coronation, as well as the oath taken during it, began with Edgar's coronation and continues to this day.

His division of the kingdom into "shires" also persists to present time. He had a steady hand when it came to government.


Edgar's mother was Saint Aelfgifu (aka "Elgiva") wife of King Edmund I "Atheling" of England, but her saintliness must have been more a matter of DNA than any nurturing she could have given him because she died the year after he was born. I can't tell you how many times I have wished that some of this wonderful DNA had been passed down to me!

(See my blog of May 18, her feast day, for more information,)

Upon the death of his mother he was sent to be raised by Athelstan, the Ealdorman of Mercia, and his wife, Aelfwynn.

Edgar's great grandfather was Alfred the Great, and it is through him that ONE of my lines of descent traces to that sainted king. I am actually descended from two of Alfred's children with his wife, Saint Ealhswith.

All these sainted ancestors could be confusing if they were not recorded in history and in my family tree. I will often write their names and relationships in my calendar on their feast day and meditate on various aspects of their lives, asking for special intercession from my "royal rellies!"

With regard to these royal families, they are often recognized as saints through their support of monastic institutions. Other families, such as Therese of Lisieux, are extremely devout, with a mystical bent, and THIS is what gets passed down through the ages.


Beginning when he is about 14, he is declared the king of the Mercians and begins a period of monastic reforms, which I find remarkable for someone so young, but we have to remember that most young monarchs had people around them "advising" them to one degree or another. In Edgar's case, he had Saint Dunstan, previously exiled by the prior King. Edgar brought him out of exile and kept him close thereafter. We can see Dunstan's hand in Edgar's rehabilitation of The Church and its monastic institutions during his reign.

Saint Dunstan was very popular for quite some time. Apparently, there is some story about how he bested Satan, and I need to try and read up on that little tiff! It is bound to be educational and/or inspiring. I know little to nothing of Dunstant at the moment, but clearly I need to repair that deficit!

Under Edgar's rule, the monasteries had to be rebuilt because a great number of them had been sacked by the Vikings. As usual, some of the aristocratic classes become resentful of resources going toward this work, as well as the land that was given over for that purpose.

Even the saints get pushback when one is trying to do something holy and good! Something to remember when we try to establish some holy work or intention and even the church hierarchy objects or just stands in the way! Humans are the same, no matter WHAT institution they occupy. Some are holy. Some are not.


Another thing I really like about his is his appreciation for women in positions of power. Up until this point, women were not usually given any at all....always just an appendage of some husband or other.

He officially crowned his wife Aelfthryth "Queen of England," a real first.

The problem, though, with Edgar's - ahem - appreciation of the fairer sex is that supposedly he could not "keep it in his pants."  He was accused of having an affair with a nun named Wulfthryth (aka Saint Wulfthryth of Wilton.)  OTHER SOURCES say that she was his lawful wife but was "put aside" and banished to the nunnery. She bore him one son.

Then, at some point, Edgar had sent Ethelwold to "check out" Aelfthryth (my ancestor queen), but the messenger fell in love and married her himself. He conducted a subterfuge wherein he told King Edgar that she was terribly ugly. Later, he was murdered. We are guessing it was arranged by Edgar.

It is all very tawdry and complicated, as these royal marriages could often be in those days.

As usual, I have to leave this most interesting saint for another day when I have time to read up on him.


In my case, most of my work has to do with the inner life of a solitary monastic. I don't know that there is much to recommend him as far as Edgar is concerned, when it comes to inspiration, anyway. I can certainly appreciate his steadiness in government and devotion to the monastic orders, albeit probably Saint Dunstan's influence that pushed that forward. He was certainly a staunch advocate for women in power, to the degree allowed in those days.

With an ancestor like Edgar, I will often ask for intercession to be endowed with qualities of strength, courage, devotion to duty, and that sort of thing.


At the suggestion of a holy friend, I joined a Facebook group for "Catholic Mystics" recently. There were only a few available, and except for one they were small and most had not had a post in several YEARS. I was left with ONE, essentially, and, sure enough, today when I checked out what was going on, some woman had posted a blatantly political meme about gender identity, objecting to it and saying that God does not make mistakes. This was a reference to some things that are happening in the political realm these days.

We live in an era where politics has infected and taken over Christianity. It is terribly sad. I joined that group because I had been looking for some spiritual companionship with others of like mind, but apparently there is none to be had. I got pushback when I objected to the political nature of that post, but several people were on their high horse about this topic. The "holier-than-thou" attitude is hard to take. It is a huge turnoff, and I will most likely leave that group.

Don't get me wrong. I am far from ignorant about politics. I make it a point to read up and get acquainted with what is going on so that I can be a responsible voter. I just don't want to see this in my prayer time, when I listen to a homily, or when I am spending time in a group that is supposedly about the mystics.

I am also not in favor of stomping around the world trying to get non-religious people to conform to my ideas of religion. THIS is exactly why the separation of church and state is hugely important. Jesus said to evangelize. He didn't say that our salvation depended upon political measures.

Mother Tessa Bielecki warned me about this when I was corresponding with her from my Hindu convent 30 years ago, where I had read about the mystics and had resolved to leave and become Catholic. She told me that I would not find the mystical life in the parishes and, for the most part, she was right.

I remember the last time someone brought the Eucharist to my apartment, 2 or 3 years ago. Instead of discussing the readings of the day, she was enthused about Donald Trump, and was thanking God for HIM. It was very upsetting.

I have to pray to my ancestor, Edgar the Peaceful, for him to intercede for me to be endowed with the strength necessary to continue this solitary path without yearning for any company on it. I pray to be flexible, though, and welcome whatever God wills and allows.

The only company I need is that of The Lord and no other, so I must be satisfied with Him and just know that He is always with me and that all my lovely ancestors and other relatives, cousins, and inspiring friends, are watching after me from Heaven. I embrace them in spirit.

Of course I realize there are others like me in the world today. I know of a few "city hermits" in Arizona and in other states. Most hermits do not adopt this monastic journey permanently. In less than a year, I will have been living this way for 20 years. Can you imagine? Two decades like this. It has not ended up as I imagined it might, but it is not awful. I am aware of the company of the Divine. I just need to be better established in it.

Even hermits have to do some work to survive. I have monthly social security from more than 33 years of working, but I hope to start painting again one day soon and make some money to get caught up with bills. I have made some crocheted scarves and ponchos to sell at a local store, if possible, as well as some earrings. Of course, the novel is progressing, though slowly. I have always been more interested and inspired by ART than by writing, and that has not changed, but I just hope to become a little FASTER with it than I am at present. We will see how it goes. I sometimes wonder if other people are going to be interested in what interests me. We shall see!

In the meantime, I ask you to please donate to my wish list on Amazon in order to get nourishing food, vitamins and supplements into the house. I have some expenses coming up and could use the help.

Also, have had some deterioration of the bones in my feet, which is quite painful and which was made worse by the Birkenstocks I was wearing, so I had to get rid of those and buy another style by a different manufacturer. Whenever I have to buy shoes, it comes out of my food money, leaving me short for the month.


Thanks so much for your company along my journey. I know there is a handful of you who read my blog and I hope that SOMETHING in all of this keeps you inspired to continue down the holy road.

God bless us all

Silver Rose

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