Watercolor Painting of my back yard in Northern California

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Saint Anthelm and Our Lady of Perpetual Help - June 26, 27 - 2022


Our Lady of Perpetual Help

I love the name of Monday's Marian observance - Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The idea that she is perpetual - not limited in time or space - available at any time of day. She is there, waiting for us - ready to help us. What a wonderful concept!

Our Lady who is always open to us, who is giving us her "yes" just as she gave her "yes" to God, is a wonderful counterpoint to the terrible political turmoil that is happening right now. I welcome the opportunity to turn my back on all the political news that is legitimately captivating - but which does not speak to my vocation or my heart, really.

The balance of body and soul becomes disturbed when the news becomes inflammatory and there is a lot of controversies jockeying for our attention. It becomes impossible to tune into the blissful, slowly flowing and peaceful mood that typifies the meditative, contemplative life when there are excitable elements demanding our attention constantly.

I've noticed also that the mind, once it becomes involved with those energetic influences, tends to want to stick with that vibe, which isn't good for me, speaking from my personal point of view. So I have to gently call it back from the dramas that are unfolding in the world, then point it in the direction of the Divine.

My instruction to meditation students has always been "incline the mind to the Divine."  When we do this, we are with God. Rather, we recognize that God is always with us. We're just not paying attention most of the time. 

Our Lady of Perpetual Help is a wonderful intermediary - someone to hold our hand and soothe us in that process of detaching our attention from the 3-act play in front of us and onto our Lord. I think of her, in times like these, as a divine bridge.

Yesterday's saint is an example of a steady saint who exemplifies a balanced personality, spiritually speaking, and a wide range of skills. I sense that he must have been an extremely intelligent man. Saint Anthelm, like many of the saints, was a hermit for some time.

Time spent alone with God is like anchoring yourself at a very deep level, and after that you may travel anywhere and everywhere and do all sorts of business, yet still be attached to the Lord. Living as a hermit gives you a type of security that does not allow for other people or exciting events to throw you off balance.

Saint Anthelm started out as a priest, and then after visiting the Carthusian Charterhouse at Portes, he entered that contemplative order. A couple years later, he was made abbot of Le Grande Chartreuse, the most famous of the Carthusian order's monasteries. The Carthusians are ascetic and contemplative.

I remember watching a wonderful program about Le Grande Chartreuse when I was a monastic with the Vedanta Society. It really affected me. I remember thinking that male monastics have much grander establishments than the women, which may not be a bad thing. I've just noticed that, no matter what the religion, men always have more comfortable and grander living arrangements. Often, they've corralled the women to wait on them, including, in some instances, NUNS, who I don't imagine particularly enjoy that, having given up domestic life to join the convent.

Just to prove my point, I'll tell you that he made a lot of improvements to the place, including building a defensive wall and an aqueduct. It seems he was equally skilled as an organizer and administrator because he pulled together the various charterhouses and standardized the rules.

He may have worn himself out with all of that building and fixing and organizing, because it was after that episode when he lived as a hermit for a couple of years. He no doubt needed to anchor himself to The Lord after all of that!

After a couple years as a hermit, he got all busy with political stuff, defending Pope Alexander III against an "antipope." After this, he was appointed bishop of Belley, France. WHEW!

Was there anything this guy did not do? Building, organizing, contemplating, hermiting, bishoping. A remarkable man, by all accounts, and I've only told you half his story. Anyway, he is an example to me that, as much as I think I am overwhelmed with all the things I must do, while at the same time being unable to actually physically DO them, it is not impossible, and perhaps I need to just ask for the intercession of Saint Anthelm to help me organize.

So, my personal affiliation with this saint is much more tenuous than with the others that I typically discuss. He was sent to England to arbitrate a dispute between Henry II (my 26th great grandfather) and St. Thomas Beckett, but something curtailed that trip because he had to return to Belly where he took care of the poor and the local lepers.

Now, it seems to me that caring for the poor and the lepers is the sort of thing your superiors task you to do when you have gotten too big for your britches and you need to get in touch with your humble faith.  But who could blame this saint for being a little impressed with himself. Honestly, he really IS impressive, don't you think?

My takeaway from Saint Anthelm is that it may be possible for me to "balance it all," hermit-life and the maintenance of the physical plant, writing and study and all the other labors.

Speaking of which, I am coming up on my 20 year anniversary of hermit life. I need to renew my enthusiasm for the life and become more regular in my prayers, if that is possible when considering how my disabilities affect my schedule. But I think I can do better than I have done recently, and I plan to make some changes before my anniversary in February of 2023. I will ask Saint Anthelm to help me. I think he's just the guy.

In the meantime, I ask that you please pray for me so that I may become a better example of this life and thereby grow closer to God. I will pray for all of you also.

God bless us all!

Silver Rose
Sannyasini Kaliprana
Silver Cottage Hermitage

P.S. All of the blog posts I write are independently researched and written by me and all of them are protected by legal copyright and may not be copied for any purpose by any person for any reason, so please just enjoy them here and leave them here where you found them.

(c) Copyright 2022, Silver S. Parnell
All rights reserved.
No copying for any purpose by anyone is allowed.

Saturday, June 25, 2022


Blessed Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus
Silver S. Parnell
(c) Copyright 2021
All rights reserved.

Today's events have overshadowed everything else for the moment, and I have some comments.

First of all, if this had been the last instead of the only action in a series of real efforts to improve America's pro-family and pro-life efforts, we would have something to celebrate.

If overturning Roe was the last, instead of the only action, we would have a nationwide living wage that was more than adequate to support grownups and kids.

If it was the last, instead of the only action, families would not be forced to bankrupt themselves caring for a sick child or other family member because every family would have guaranteed health care.

If it was the last, instead of the only action, mothers and fathers would each have paid maternity/paternity leave for at least the first six months of the baby's life.

If it was the last, instead of the only action, education from Pre-K through college would be free at point of service. 

If it was the last, instead of the only action, the "pro-life" Republican Party would have proven that it actually cares about families and children with all those other actions, but the opposite is true. It has proven that it is hostile to families, hostile to children, hostile to the poor, the elderly, the disabled. It fights against all those actions I have listed.

The other industrialized nations take much better care of their citizens than we do, despite having far less wealth and natural resources than our country holds.  Our citizens struggle to put food on the table and a roof over their heads, while a handful of greedy corporate overlords is so bored and sated with life that they take vacations in outer space. The people who created the wealth with their work do not get their fair share of the wealth that they worked for. They are wage slaves.

It is no wonder that most women cite financial hardship as a reason for their abortion. We live in a culture that is hostile to children and families.

Forget for a moment the financial impossibility of raising a child on a food service workers salary. Women's bodies have always been under attack.  Every war involves the rape and unwilling impregnation of women. From their own households where countless children are raped by family members, to the rape by coercion during a date, to the workplace where employers make it clear that the woman will be fired if she does not give the boss sex, I have experienced all of these myself and I know how very common it all is, how dirty and hopeless it makes you feel, and how impossible it is to keep one's sanity while at the same time being forced to carry a growing thing within yourself that is put there by force. For the woman in this position, it is not a baby. It is a hostile invader, a parasite, a daily reminder of the humiliation, shame and trauma. But do these "pro life warriors" who go to war against these women give a damn about any of that? No. Women remain the spoils of war.

The big lie underneath all this is that the party that claims to be "pro-life" is nothing more than an agency that works on behalf of the wealthy overlord class. In a deliberate, cynical ploy to get voters to agree to remain poor and to work as wage slaves so that the rich can get richer, it lies and says it cares about babies and families. It lies and says it is "pro life."

Lying is how it routinely does business. Each of Trump's Supreme Court appointees lied in their confirmation hearing testimony. They claimed adherence to the doctrine of stare decisis and that Roe was established law, so they would respect that and Roe wasn't in their sites. But the first thing we heard from them thereafter was a leaked document that the doctrine of stare decisis would be trashed and Roe would be overturned, and today we get the final draft. Instead of respecting stare decisis, they have thrown out the principle of adhering to precedent. Because they have a political agenda, everything that has gone before is now up for grabs, despite their assurances that this would not happen.

Whoever would love life and see good days
must keep their tongue from evil and their lips
from deceitful speech."
1 Peter 3:10

I used to vote across both parties. I used to believe that both parties consisted of people of good will that were trying to better the country and that I could vote either Republican or Democrat, based upon the issue under discussion at the moment, but I can no longer do that. I have lost all respect for the politicians in the Republican Party, with the exception of a very small number of men and women who have distinguished themselves recently with their honesty, ethics, and (frankly) bravery in calling out their fellow Republican politicians.

When I watched the interviews with weepy but jubilant "pro-life" demonstrators, crowing about their "victory" using a variety of triumphal language, the journalists would often ask them how they feel about the people whose lives have been upended by this action by a radical right wing political set of jurists. Not one of them had a shred of understanding or compassion for the girls and women against whom they had just effected a hostile takeover.

One woman blithely talked about adoption and I wondered how SHE would like to spend 9 months carrying the offspring of a violent rapist? Besides which, who is going to pay the medical bills for the women and babies? Who will support them when they can no longer work?

The biggest lie of all is that overturning Roe will save those "dear precious babies." What it will do is push women into back alley abortions (again) and into amateur self-surgery with knitting needles or crochet hooks. Those who have the money and the connections and resources to travel hundreds of miles to another state where it remains legal (for now) will avail themselves of it. My point is that abortions have always been available and always will be. "Pro-life" activists are kidding themselves if they think they are saving the babies.

As before mentioned, if the GOP really cared about children and families, it would not have pushed so hard against the social programs that could have helped them. It would not have worked to keep wages low. It would not have worked so hard to give tax breaks to the rich. They did not want to pay for pro-family measures and they continue to try to rip social security out from under the elderly who paid into it for DECADES which, if they succeed, will leave people like me on the streets. The underlying, consistent theme is NOT "pro-life," it is pro-rich guy. The "pro life" aspect is a hook to catch gullible voters.

I predict that the number of children that are born through forced compliance will be smaller than the number of women and babies that die as a result of either back-alley abortions, suicide, or self-surgery misadventure.

Anyone reading this may (incorrectly) assume that I am pro-abortion. I am not. I am simply able to have compassion and empathy for people other than myself who live in ways other than the way in which I live and who have a point of view that I do not share. I respect, also, that the USA is a country that was founded on freedom of religion. It is one of the main reasons why the original settlers came from Europe. They were living under a repressive religious autocracy.

My personal philosophy around sex life is formed by my life experiences which have taught me that women are always the losers when they have sex outside of marriage, and that unwanted pregnancies are only one of the many problems that arise when people treat sex as if it was an entertainment. My solution for the huge number of abortions performed in America would be partially ameliorated by a return to the custom of waiting to have sex until one is married. But I realize that you cannot force people to live in a way they do not agree with, nor should we WANT to do that in a country supposedly founded on freedom of religion.

Obviously, this issue is complex, and a lot of different people have opinions about this. The philosophical differences are huge - and neither side seems positioned to even begin to try and understand the other, which brings up my final point:

Whatever happened to evangelization?

Jesus never advocated for a takeover of the government. In fact, the opposite is true. Neither did he recommend that his followers use force to make people comply with his commandments. He told them to kick the sand from their feet and move on. That is all. These "pro life warriors" have done the exact opposite of what Jesus commanded. They work against the social programs that sound a LOT like Jesus's commandment to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner, etc., and instead of evangelizing the culture, they go to war against it.

None of this looks like anything Jesus would recognize. It is hypocritical - something which non-Christians have noticed. If they disliked Christians before this era, they despise them now - because of the lying, manipulation, hate-filled bullying, and general hypocrisy. The manner in which one does things is important, and it is not ok to commit the evil of lying and manipulation in order to get something done that you consider to be "good." Catholics know this. It is in the catechism. Apparently, other types of Christians do not care about it.

If our culture is the opposite of something Jesus would like to see, the blame for that does not lay with the  "lefties." We failed to evangelize. We failed to demonstrate the glory of Jesus Christ. We consistently behave in unholy ways and we are responsible for this culture becoming more and more pagan.

Instead of crowing about how we "won" this culture war and overturned Roe, we should be on our knees, with apologies on our lips, for how poorly we have evangelized this nation and how badly we have treated one another, in direct disobedience to Jesus commands. We have forced a standard of behavior onto non-Christians using lies and manipulation instead of evangelizing.

In the end, few, if any, lives will be saved. The conditions in which the poor live will be far worse, and the rich guys at the top of the pyramid will continue to take vacations in outer space. It is mind boggling. With all the resentment that has built up against hypocritical Christians, is evangelization even POSSIBLE now?

The solution? Each of us need to do better, be better, follow Him better, and be better examples than we have been. No one will listen to us otherwise, if they will listen to us at all after this.

May we all be blessed!

Silver Rose
Sannyasini Kaliprana
Silver Cottage Hermitage

P.S. All of the blog posts I write are independently researched and written by me and all of them are protected by legal copyright and may not be copied for any purpose by any person for any reason, so please just enjoy them here and leave them here where you found them.

(c) Copyright 2022, Silver S. Parnell
All rights reserved.
No copying for any purpose by anyone is allowed.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022



Lady of the Stars
Silver S. Parnell
(c) Copyright 1997
All rights reserved.

This topic is far-reaching and has affected my life dramatically, so this post is a bit of a ramble, and I hope you'll forgive me for that, but this IS a diary and there are days when the events of the day intersect with my chronic illnesses and the mental processes and developments that occur, on occasion, with someone given over to a great deal of mental prayer.

Not Seen but Felt

There is an unseen reality of the spiritual universe that we sense is there, even when no one has told us specifically that there is such a thing. The physical world and its goings on sometimes hint at it but my experience is that some people correctly perceive the yearning to dive into it as a yearning for God and others are more confused. They try to find God in the emoluments of the world, and this is why we are warned constantly, in all the religious traditions, really, not to look for the Divine in the transitory things and doings of the world, but to "dive deep."

I sometimes find that people whose business it is to advance the spiritual objectives of humans and who ought to be examples of holiness have personalities and habits that point in another direction. This week I've run into a few of these folks, and I'll explain later, but first I offer today's Gospel reading, which just happens to give Jesus's point of view about this topic:

Jesus said to his disciples:
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing,
but underneath are ravenous wolves.
By their fruits you will know them.
do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Just so, every good tree bears good fruit,
and a rotten tree bears bad fruit.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit,
nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit,
nor can a rotten tree bear good fruit.
Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down
and thrown into the fire.
So by their fruits you will know them."
~Matthew 7:15-20~

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Even Children with no exposure to religion, have a sensitivity to these fruits of the Holy Spirit. Goodness is obvious to their innocent souls. In fact, children often experience this world of the spirit very profoundly, and that is why we sometimes marvel at the suddenly wise things they will say, on occasion, between doing stupid things that will get them killed, of course. Even in households completely devoid of spiritual or religious thought, such as the one in which I lived, their pure hearts will be tuned in the movement of the Divine that they sense underneath everything else. They don't have the language for it, of course, but the experience is there. I remember the lovely experience of just being that comes upon us when we are quieted in nature. Eventually we are given to understand that it is God.

The Scientology Cult of L. Ron Hubbard

I seem to have been born interested in God, but I was raised by abusive people who hated religion, so of course the first thing I did when I left home was to fall into the first religion I encountered, which was the cult of Scientology. I ended up doing a "special mission" for the founder L. Ron Hubbard on the Scientology "Sea Org" flag ship that traveled between Spain and Portugal, with regular stops at the Canary Islands and  Portugal's island of Madeira.

My strongest memory of Hubbard was that he had a bevy of nubile, young "messengers" who hung on his every word and waited on him meticulously. In addition to running messages from one end of the twin-screw motor yacht to the other, they did all kinds of personal errands for him and were ready at hand when he needed his tobacco lit. 

The thing that alarmed me was that the young teen's uniforms were extremely tight, with derriere and décolletage nearly bursting out. It didn't seem appropriate because it pointed away from the divine and to the world of biology and crass material instead. After getting to the "heart" of that group and finding that its emperor wore no clothes, I remember thinking, "well, this isn't it!" It took me a another six months to escape THAT group. First, I had to get off the ship!

View from El Dorado Hills
California, 1995
(c) Silver S. Parnell
All rights reserved.

Cults and Sexual Perversions

I also got a chance to watch friends and acquaintances make some unusual choices over the years. When I was in my early 20's, I worked for an attorney from an office on his property. He and his family were marginally involved with an old Indian man whom everyone called "Father" who had 7 young American "wives" that he had conned into buying his  self-serving, sexually perverted version of "Hinduism." It was a tiny little cult and it was weird. I happened to see that old man lay a big French kiss on one of his young "wives" and it revolted me. I remembered thinking, "I've gotta get OUT of here." Shortly thereafter, my boss died in a bizarre auto accident, and I moved on.

All Religions Subject to Clericalism

Something that all religions had in common, no matter the degree of legitimacy or cultishness, was the tendency for the devotees to practically worship every authority figure.  This was regardless of whether or not the spiritual celebrity warranted it, i.e., whether or not he or she actually followed the precepts of the faith and met general expectations for being a good human.  This sort of thing happens in every organized religion.

I have seen a certain degree of it recently in the Catholic Church, though "clericalism" has, admittedly, become a little less prevalent than it was before the pedophilia scandals.

Swami Swahananda
Hollywood Temple 1980's
(c) copyright Silver S. Parnell
All rights reserved

Meeting a Legitimate Saint

When one has known a person of legitimate spiritual bona fides, it is easier, later on, to identify the wolves in sheep's clothing when you meet them. On my spiritual journey, I have gotten to know people whose spiritual character was a wonderful example to others and who more than deserved the devotion that many of us had for them. One such person was Swami Swahananda. He seemed always to be absorbed in the Divine. Even when he was telling a joke, I would see him drop back into it quickly. By "it" I mean that vast unseen reality that I had been aware of since I was a kid. He would tell his silly joke and enjoy the laughter, and you could see it in his eyes, that he "returned to zero." He was wonderful to be with because he never tried to drag me into conversations of things that did not matter, such as what the other women would often do. While the nuns were absorbed in whether or not I would lose weight before entering the convent, for instance, he could not care less.

Nothing in the perceptible world missed his notice, of course. He wasn't blind. It's just that he was so established in the enduring reality of the unseen spirit that he wasn't going to waste his time dealing with things that were transitory. How much my body weighed was not on his list of stuff that matters because my body was the least interesting thing about me. He saw my nature, and I saw his, and we had a wonderful friendship. Every once in a while he would imitate the pinched face of one of the nuns as she delivered her scathing criticisms of me, and we would both be overcome with the giggles, despite the fact that I was being positively roasted by the good lady nun. It drove them mad that I did not take their criticisms of me in a serious vein.

Swami at the beach, Kali Puja Immersion day

Ignoring his spiritual stature and only watching the way a close handful of people clung to him, a jealous woman used to speak disparagingly about the swami. She represents the other side of the coin of the cult of personality because she ALSO judged him on the basis of something other than his character, but in her case, she disparaged him, whereas most people obsessed with personality instead of principles almost deify their leaders, while ignoring their wretched moral and ethical behavior at the same time.  Same coin. Two sides.

"An honest witness does not deceive,
but a false witness pours out lies."
Proverbs 14:5

Every religious tradition I am aware of has a prohibition against lying, except perhaps the Scientologists. I seem to remember some written policy that says that if a lie is going to protect the survival of Scientology, it is OK to tell it. I don't believe in that idea for the preservation of any religion, but I also do not consider Scientology a religion because, while I was in it, they were talking about how ludicrous it was to suddenly start talking about God but that they had to do it in order to get a tax-free status. "God" played an extremely minor part in their philosophical discussions. The existence of God was acknowledged but I never heard a discussion of Him. He was in the background somewhere, I suppose.

One's moral and ethical behavior, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are the calling cards of the soul. They tell you everything you need to know about a person. Swami Swahananda's ethical and moral life was beyond reproach. I have almost no criticisms of him, and none of the ones I DO have are important.

It is sad, really, that the beauty of the Lord is right here for the taking, and people waste their time on externals and petty egotistical squabbles. Jesus said that the kingdom of Heaven is among us, and I think that he was trying to get our minds off the gross stuff of the physical world and establish us in the spiritual world with HIM because Heaven is among us when HE is among us. He is among us when we incline our minds in his direction. It is very simple, really.

Balancing Body and Soul

It's a balancing act between body and soul. Humans have too much attention on the gross and not enough on the subtle planes.  We ARE body and soul, but a lot of people behave as if the only thing that matters is the physical plane.

The physical world has to be dealt with, of course. I think it is in this physical universe that we are meant to demonstrate the spiritual lessons, and it is important for that reason. If the world was completely unnecessary, God could have simply made us and kept us in heaven with himself. We are made to learn something in this world, but we are not meant to think of it as the be-all and end-all of existence. We are here for some time, doing what we do, and then we return to Him if we don't ruin ourselves here. 

By the way, all of this, the way I have expressed it and my perceptions about it are my own and do not represent any official religious interpretation of scriptures, theology or anything established by any church. I am only describing what I have experienced but I am not setting myself up as an authority for anyone else.

Meditation is Common Among Many Religions

While I have studied and experienced many religions, I was lucky to have stumbled across Vedantic Hinduism because everything was different after that. The meditation practice is really wonderful, and I was lucky to have had a relationship with someone established in the spiritual reality who deserved to be lionized a bit.  I feel grateful to have been his student and to have taken Sannyas (monastic) vows at his feet (many years after leaving the group.) After learning from him, it became easy for me thereafter to make an assessment of other spiritual personalities and people in general.

Twelve Bad Marriages at Once

I first heard about contemplative monastic life when I was 11 and, in a real fluke, started corresponding with a convent of Catholic Carmelite sisters. My mother had an absolute fit and objected, and that was the end of THAT. I stuffed my desire for monastic life until much later, when I discovered Vedanta and really fell in love with Vedantic meditation. 

A perverse person stirs up conflict, and
a gossip separates close friends.
~Proverbs 16:28~

It wasn't long before my monastic inclinations rose up again, and I found myself in the convent, after a grueling period of hazing by the nuns. I just could not understand their antipathy. If only there were spiritual personalities like Swami Swahananda in the convent, I might have stayed forever, but those nuns tormented me with a constant stream of petty criticism, gossip and superficial nonsense. I hadn't a moments peace.  It was like 12 bad marriages at once, and it shocked me because I expected at least a minimum of the divine attributes. I was not expecting it to be like returning to high school. It was mind boggling. No matter how hard I tried, they continued to torment me.

An example of someone's behavior being the opposite of what one would expect of a holy person:

I hurt my back working for them, and one of the nuns marched down to the swami to inform him that I was "faking." It was a lie, of course, but I cannot honestly tell you what this was all about. Why did she do that? Why did she even think such a thing? Why, after decades in a convent, does a senior staff member make something up out of whole cloth, and why, for the love of God, did she not have a speck of love or compassion in her for someone who was suffering? I was in a LOT of pain and had to be in a wheelchair half the time. 

Today, I am fully disabled, with chronic pain and debilitating arthritis. A lot of what I suffer is due to the hard work I did in that convent and the arthritis that began during that time. Clearly, I wasn't "faking" it, as the X-Rays tell the whole story.

Lies and gossip are signs of suspect motives for joining a religious group:

One funny story:  Apparently, they were telling all the devotees that I was eating all the chocolate in the pantry, and then the snootiest nun went on vacation and the chocolate just sat there. I had NO idea any of this was going on because I don't like chocolate very much and will only eat it if I am having a very strong urge for something sweet and my choice is either nothing or chocolate. They never spoke to me about any of this and I had been told I wasn't allowed to speak to the devotees, so none of them told me that the nuns were spreading rumors about me.  All I knew was that there was this roiling underlying tension and energy all the time which literally made me ill.

Lies and Gossip Follow Their Target for Years

When I left the convent, I was very lonely. I had spent years living with people who behaved with hatred toward me, so I soon thereafter started dating one of the local men, and, before I knew it the nuns were saying that I had been secretly dating this man while I still living in the convent! A complete lie. I am not capable of this, nor have I done anything similar to it at any time in my life. Whoever started the rumor knew it was a lie. They knew that it was something they had invented. Lies are just the worst.

I often tell folks that THIS habit of women toward jealousy, gossip and lies is why men are in charge of the world.

Being Alone With God is Sometimes The Only Route to Take

Hearing about those lies, years later, was validation for my having left the convent. When you go to place so that you can get closer to God, and all the people living with you are immersed in lies and ill-will, it becomes impossible to do the very thing you came there for to begin with. Living now as a hermit, I have much more spiritual companionship than when I lived in that place, surrounded by supposedly holy women - or at least women who had presented some sort of good intention when they arrived.

After leaving the convent, one of them admitted to me that they had all been afraid that I would "rule the convent from the bottom" because I was close to the Swami. They hounded me out of the convent due to that jealousy and fear but none of it had anything to do with me. It is a terrible shame because I loved convent life, but after 20 years as a hermit, I recognize now that the solitary path is probably my destiny, if not what I wanted for myself.

Many of these circumstances led to my going to the Catholics. I thought SURELY Catholic organizations are better ordered. But now I am not so sure. I think perhaps people are the same everywhere and that the saints are just those people who actually follow the religion.

All these experiences taught me a LOT about human beings in religious institutions. So YOU get to benefit from my distressing experiences. I bring a lot to the table in this regard.

Swami Swahananda
making a point during class
(c) Silver S. Parnell
All rights reserved

Motives for Joining an institution or profession Vary

Something that happens in spiritual life and in politics is that callow individuals seeking the status of celebrity and the power that comes along with it, will pursue advancement in convents, monasteries and other institutions and they use the credibility of those institutions to paint themselves in a more respectable light than what they would typically earn on their own. The problem with this is that these people damage the reputations of those institutions that they use in this way. 

We have examples of this in many fields. For instance, in politics, we have a cynical con man in Donald Trump, who has destroyed the reputation of the Republican party. In the spiritual field, the first thing that comes to mind are the many pedophiles that have used the Catholic Church as "cover" for their vile activities.  People have been known to murder for profit, and then hide behind religious robes, a police uniform, or a political position.

The many saints that I write about in this blog have our respect because of their spiritual character. They are reliable witnesses to the faith in what they do and say. Wearing a costume or having a title is irrelevant. They are called "Saint" because of what they do and say and not because they wear a religious garb.

Farmland in Placerville, CA
(c) 1995, Silver S. Parnell
All rights reserved.

Choosing to be Intentional When Choosing One's Associates

We live in an era in which wolves in sheep's clothing have multiplied dangerously. We have to watch people very carefully and do not give them our allegiance or lend them even our attention until we have ascertained that their character warrants it. Are they truthful? Are they kind? Do they follow the commandments of their faith? We need to be more deliberate and intentional when allowing people into our lives, hearts and minds.

Obviously, I am not saying that perfection is required but with respect to LIES, in particular, there is no way to accidentally "lie" because when you invent a lie, you know that you have done this deliberate thing (unless you are insane, which is a different problem!) When a person lies, they are choosing to do evil. I think this is why it is said in the Bible that Satan is the father of all lies.

Perhaps this is why lies bother me so much. The person knows it is not true, but they say it anyway.

Generally speaking, the person's actions should typically tend toward the attributes described as the "fruits of the Holy Spirit" in St. Paul's letter to the Galations, which are: 
and Self-Control.

These fruits of the Holy Spirt are shared, in other forms, with the philosophies of Buddhist and Hindu faiths, as well as others. 

There is a nice article about these at the following link:

It occurs to me as I write this that it would not be a bad idea for me to list these 9 fruits and post them somewhere prominently to remind me, in my daily self-examination, to compare my behavior and thoughts to this list. Taking this list in hand and comparing the actions of supposed leaders and "holy" people is a pretty good idea also.

Another thing to watch are those infernal memes on Facebook and elsewhere. Don't absorb these obnoxious, simplistic maxims unthinkingly. Many times, the person to whom a quote is attributed has not had those words come out of their mouth or their pen. Sometimes, the quote makes no sense outside of the larger document to which it belongs. Most of the time, these pat little memes get their energy from some type of criticism of others that is toxic. Many times, the memes appeal to an underdeveloped ego that looks to make itself feel superior to other humans, and if we take these ideas on board, it will be deadly to our spiritual development.

A few days ago, I read a long quote from a supposed homily of Pope Francis that a nun living in a convent had published to the internet, with her own enthusiastic recommendation for the supposed wisdom of the words. Immediately, I could tell that it was a fake. It spoke in a way that was not our Pope's manner of speech, and the underlying ideas were "New Age" in some spots and Calvinistic in others. A quick Google search proved my suspicions were accurate It was an heretical post. Memes like this are spiritual poison for the soul.

Pope Francis recently meeting with Buddhists

I attached a link to the post of a journalistic article about this spurious "homily" and sent a private message to the sister, asking her to please remove the post because it was fake. What she did instead was to immediately remove me from her "friend list" without a word in response. I was unable to communicate further with her. I suspect that a religious who behaves this way has perhaps chosen her vocation for the wrong reason.  Who knows? In any case, her behavior was wholly inappropriate.

It used to surprise me when people behaved in this way. If was told I had published a fake quote to the internet, I would have THANKED the person and removed the post. I would be grateful to have the truth.  But for some people, the truth is not something in which they have much interest. Other things, like their ego needs, are more important to them.

You find this sometimes with people who start groups online as well. They use the groups to satisfy ego needs that have not been met. Today I joined a group modeled after Bede Griffith's ashram-style Catholic institutions. Bede wrote  some WONDERFUL books, and I felt a great kinship with him when I left the Hindu convent to become Catholic, but the one comment I made on a meme in today's Facebook group was met with such rudeness and snotty arrogance that I immediately left the group. (It wasn't Bede Griffiths that did this. He died years ago. It is some man with whom I have no experience except his rude response to a comment I'd given considerable thought. .) I wanted so much to talk with people of like minds, but everywhere is pretense and posing instead of authentic spiritual interest.

Fr. Bede Griffiths, a Catholic Sadhu
I took the same type of vows and wear the
same color, when it is available.

Bede Griffiths books are just wonderful. He is a very deep thinker, and anyone interested in contemplative life will find him interesting, I believe. On the following link, there is a clip of a lecture of his:

Fr. Bede Griffiths

With regard to fake memes on Facebook

Many years ago, a former friend with monastic aspirations posted an even more noxious meme that ALSO had a picture to accompany the fake story. The picture was of some other person and not the "pastor posing as a homeless person outside his church" that the fake "true story" claimed. The meme targeted Christianity and made the point that Christians are hypocrites. While some Christians ARE hypocrites, I am sure, it is not right to negatively paint the entire faith with a lie.

Here is an article about the fake meme that she used:

This is the photo from the fake meme. It is
supposedly "Jeremiah Steepek" but is
actually a photo of an English homeless man

When I approached that former friend about the lie she was perpetrating, she became extremely hostile, called me names, made up stories about me and my supposed motives, and was generally vile. It does not matter how polite, how correct, how loving the method by which you approach these kind of people because approaching them about their dishonesty enrages them. At least, that has been my experience - and the reaction is particularly strong if the person has some kind of monastic aspiration or has a yearning for another type of celebrity.

While we have to watch these people carefully, and avoid internalizing whatever dishonesty they are peddling, I wouldn't walk through life with suspicion. That would be exhausting and of little or no benefit. I would just say to continue to behave with respect and deference toward ALL humans but to just be very careful about what ideas you take on board. Guard your soul from trojan horses filled with toxic dogma.

I have witnessed circumstances in which philosophical concepts that are allowed to sink into our soul without challenge or examination can wreak havoc down the line. A LOT of people believe fervently in a few popular "New Age" theories that directly contradict the Catholic faith, for instance, and they are unaware of it. I am not saying you cannot have an independent thought. I am suggesting that you ought to KNOW that it is an independent thought!

As far as the spurious memes that are endemic on Facebook, you may decide to do what I have decided to do, and that is to curtail my Facebook activity. I'm not joining any more groups, because you never know who is sitting at their computer creating these "Catholic" groups without having any bona fides to back up their "leadership." And I am going to resist the urge to make comments on other people's posts, unless it's about animals or art. I can't go too far wrong there.

The final comment on which I want to end is to turn around all the negative experiences and reframe them in the positive which will be obvious, but I feel that I am not doing my job if I am not pointing toward the Divine, rather than the absence of the Divine - because that is EXACTLY how I have learned to cope with all the negative experiences I have had around this topic, with people who should have loved me but worked to make me miserable instead.  

Here is what I want to say: even if there is no one in your arena who exhibits the fruits of the Holy Spirit, that is perfectly fine because we ourselves can turn this around and do my favorite thing, and that is "incline the mind to God!"

We can get going with our mental prayer and turn this into a 9-day novena and meditate on one fruit of the Holy Spirit each day. Isn't that a good idea? By meditating on the fruits of the Holy Spirit, it will help each of us develop those characteristics within ourselves, and we can radiate it out to the universe. 

As usual, all situations devolve into a call to become better ourselves, and I hope you join me in the effort. Let me know how this works for you, if you decide to try it, won't you?

May God bless us all!

Silver Rose

Saturday, June 18, 2022

St. Elizabeth of Schonau, Mystic and Visionary, June 18, 2022


Saint Elizabeth of Schonau
b. 1129 - d. 18 June 1164

Today's saint lived a remarkably intense but rather short life, full of fantastic visions and visitations that were documented by both herself and her brother, who, by all accounts, was a bit overbearing and tended to color her experiences through his own more formal and florid lens. There are volumes of prose written by her and, evidently, you can tell where her brother began to write them for her because of the change in language and tone. Her language was more simple and direct.

Well known and powerful men of that time tended to follow what she said in the many letters that she wrote to them.

I was really impressed with the gorgeous photos that someone named Ana St. Paul has included on her blog site, Ana St. Paul. I don't know who she is or where she got her research, but her blog is beautifully done, and if you are interested in this particular mystic, you can go to Ana's blog and have a look. I really could not do any better.

Saint Elizabeth of Schonau and Copyright Law

There are quite a few web sites that talk about this saint, and most of them appear to have plagiarized an original, using the exact same language, such as that this saint was able to "transcend the traditional gender roles of the time." (I suspect that Ana St. Paul is the original writer and that others have stolen her work for their own blogs.)

I wish that people were more respectful of copyright law. They have the weirdest ideas about it.

Anyone who writes anything using their own creativity has an immediate "copyright" that lasts at least until 75 years after their death and unless you have specific written permission from the author to use their words, you are guilty of theft if you use anything but a short quote - but that quote MUST be a very small amount in comparison to the original work and you MUST also give credit in a specific format. 

This "fair use" varies, depending on the significance of the part stolen. For instance, in a poem, it could be a word or two that is significant to the theme. (Recently, I had to chivvy another writer who stole a haiku theme from me, using a pivotal word in relation to the same subject. She was obnoxious about it and I had to ask her to leave a writing group I started. Who wants to associate with someone who steals from you and demands that you sit still for it?)

Most of these "writers" who have put something online about Elizabeth of Schonau appear to have copied the ENTIRE work of the original writer without giving any credit whatsoever, which is both illegal and unethical and, frankly, a bit creepy.

When I have told people about this in connection with my own writing (which is FREQUENTLY stolen, especially in the genealogy field, in which I am a minor expert), I usually get a volatile reaction. This is an age in which people feel remarkably ENTITLED to do whatever they damn well please, even if it infringes on the rights of others. I call it "the era of the bully." 

The Era of the Bully

There are virtual battalions of martinets stomping around the world, demanding that everyone else make them comfortable, cater to them, entertain them, and make them happy. Don't dare confide anything but "positivity" to these petty little blackmailers because it is everyone else's responsibility to make them feel good.  We are all prisoners in an interpersonal gulag. This tendency makes itself known very much on the internet.

I am just sick of the raft of Facebook memes advising people that no one is worth keeping around unless they make you "happy." Ayn Rand, the author of  "The Virtue of Selfishness" and the head of an organization devoted to that idea, would just LOVE the current social construct in which selfish pleasure seekers flounce around the internet, demanding to be coddled.

Recently, I was put onto a mailing list without my permission. Ostensibly the organization exists to promote devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, which is a favorite apparition of mine, but I keep getting emails from them telling me I must join their campaign against one thing after another. The tone modulates between strident and absolutely hysterical. Fight against this. Fight against that. Stop this. Stop that. This organization has decided that its mission is to force the rest of the world to please them. The mere existence of another religion or philosophy appears to make them feel personally slighted. Instead of alluring people to The Lord, they're stomping around with a litany of resentments.  Too much.

Toxic Positivity vs. Christian Love

This emphasis on pleasure and entertainment is toxic. I do what I can to let people know that I do not expect it of them. Everyone who enters my world can be assured of, at the very least, some simple sympathy when life kicks them in the teeth. I do what I can to love my neighbor. 

I believe that, at the very least, Christians should welcome authenticity in others, which includes expressions of sadness, disappointment, grief, and other modes of distress.

It is not the job of every human to make me feel good. It is nice when it happens, but my criteria for friendship has to do with values and character, rather than selfish enjoyment. I am friends with some angular and, at times, difficult people who are hard to be around. It doesn't matter. They're good people with hearts of gold, and I am happy to call each one "friend."

Contentment With my Simple Life

Today is the 3rd or 4th day since my 2nd booster shot and, although the arm still aches a good deal, the other reactions have subsided and I have begun to feel more normal, though I am still not sleeping very much.

At first, I was very concerned about the insomnia but I am reminded of my guru who only slept 4 hours at night, and then a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. He lived into his 90's and, by all reports, kept his sharp mind and his customary schedule. This is the approximate schedule that I myself am keeping at the moment, but I have recently started taking melatonin at the suggestion of one of my doctors, so we shall see if my schedule changes. I suspect that, like my guru, it has become my 'natural' state and that, for someone who meditates a good deal, this is probably normal.

Today my little dog and I took a ride across town to pick up a container of half-and-half that I use for my afternoon tea. Janie had gotten it for me but it did not make it back into her car when she brought over the other groceries, so I opted to do a "drive by" and get it from her. I do enjoy a leisurely drive, though the price of gasoline limits that to the status of a luxury these days. I told Charlemagne that we were going to see his "Auntie Jane" when we were a block away and he started shrieking. He just loves her like crazy, and it is so cute.

I feel so grateful today for my simple life, despite all the pains and pitfalls. I am feeling the love and care of The Lord very much these days, as well as the attention and company of Our Blessed Mother, as well as my family of saints in heaven. They are with me in a way that I perceive with great love. What a blessing!

May we all be blessed!

Silver Rose
Sannyasini Kaliprana
Silver Cottage Hermitage

P.S. All of the blog posts I write are independently researched and written by me and all of them are protected by legal copyright and may not be copied for any purpose by any person for any reason, so please just enjoy them here and leave them here where you found them.

(c) Copyright 2022, Silver S. Parnell
All rights reserved.
No copying for any purpose by anyone is allowed.

Saint Teresa of Portugal and Trust in the Lord


Saint Teresa of Portugal
b. 1126 - d. 18 June 1250
My 1st cousin, 28 times removed!

Saint Teresa of Portugal was the daughter of King Sancho I of Portugal, my 27th great granduncle.

Catholic Online (and other online sources) list today as her Feast Day, which it USED to be, but in the 1960's it was changed to June 20th so she can share it with her sisters Sancha and Mafalda who are ALSO saints. The three of them are my first cousins, 28 times removed. Their grandfather is my 28th great grandfather, Alfonso I, King of Portugal.

Alfonso I of Portugal
My 28th Great Grandfather
b. 1109 - d. 6 Dec. 1185

I'm not sure why her feast day was the 17th of June ANYWAY because she died on the 18th, but I am sure there is a story behind that somewhere. 

I WON'T be trying to get accurate information about her from Catholic Online because they've used Teresa of Avilla's portrait on Saint Teresa of Portugal's page. They do not appear to realize there was more than one female saint who lived in Portugal. Obviously, their researcher isn't all that good.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


They also gave my personal information and email address to an organization called "America Needs Fatima" that has been sending me hysteria-laden emails exhorting recipients to go to battle against several different things. Evangelization is passé, apparently. Now we are expected to force non-Catholics to live, think, behave and read nothing but what meets the approval of a certain group of Catholics. I've told them to take me off their list I never agreed to be on to begin with.

The Catholic Church has a LOT to apologize for these days, and we should be a bit more humble. Sometimes I wonder if these war-like Catholics get all militant and demanding as a type of smoke and mirrors, to distract from all our scandals.

Anyway, I will give you the straight scoop on Teresa of Portugal, to the degree I am able.

Teresa of Portugal married her first cousin, without permission. He was Alfonso IX, King of Leon and Galicia. They had a few children, then their marriage was nullified, ostensibly because of consanguinity, but I suspect the main reason was that they did not get permission. You know how those authoritarians are.

Alfonso went on to marry Berengaria of Castile. who was his first cousin once removed! One of their five children was my 25th great grandfather, Saint Ferdinand III of Castile. See how it is with these nobles? They intermarried so often, I am a cousin to myself 100 times over!

So - back to cousin Teresa of Portugal. She retired to the Monastery of Lorvao when the church dissolved her marriage. It had been a Benedictine establishment, but she changed it to Cistercian, which is more of a contemplative order. Right up my alley!

Abbey of Lorvao

She remained involved in political matters, however, coming out of the convent to help solve some complex disputes about inheritance. (Small wonder.)

I searched around quite a bit to try and get some idea of why this lady was sainted. I know that several confirmed miracles are required as part of the process these days. If I can find some information about her details, I will come back later and include it. I have searched several times over the last few years, and there is still nothing new on this score, which is a perfect example of how it is with the saints. If the exploits of the saint are not recorded during her/his time, then her/his story is lost in the mists of time.

In this way, research of the saints becomes somewhat a case of "what have you done for us lately?" This is due partly to the fact that people seem to gravitate toward the sensational. We love excitement and when given a choice between a serious topic and a bit of fluff that has some excitement attached to it, we often run to the thing we find entertaining.

This is what I have observed about Facebook, for instance. If you have some maniac writing a screed against the Pope and about how he is supposedly an "usurper" or a "heretic" or some such nonsense, you will see the Facebook version of a crowd collecting around the town lunatic. FORGET learning about the saints and how you can emulate them.  No. Most people would rather get themselves all enthused about the latest scandal.

It's when we take the lunatics seriously and we lose track of the human tendency to gravitate toward entertainment that we forget ourselves and get into real trouble. Understanding human beings, digging for the truth, and trying to bring it to the light, is a tedious process. We can't assume we even know what a person means when they speak the same language, as a matter of fact. Hardly anyone is exact in their speech, especially if their words are translated, such as the Pope's. He was born in Argentina, where a number of languages are spoken, the main language being Spanish, but Argentinian Spanish is different than the Spanish spoke in New Mexico or that which is spoken in Cuba. The slang is different. A few words are different, because of the other languages in a country such as Argentina, where many other languages are used there - not in the minority, but a enough to have an effect on the primary language.

Most people are too lazy to do the work necessary to make sure they have "it" right before they ride off into the sunset to bring the news to everyone that the Pope is a heretic because he said such and such a thing, which they extrapolate to mean something B-A-A-D. They're off and running with it. It is more exciting to spread the gossip than to knuckle down and thoroughly research and investigate, if something like that is even necessary - what to speak about the ability of some folks to do the kind of research necessary to establish truth under the circumstances. 

Some people love to spread bad news especially, because it captivates the attention of others, which is a big boost to the ego.

The next thing you know, there is some nun who is being advertised as a "seer" to whom God and the Virgin Mary and various saints are speaking and who have told her that the Pope is an "usurper," as if the guy strode into the Vatican with a conquering army, beheaded Pope Benedict and ascended to the chair of Peter. Please.

Jesus promised us that His Church would last the test of time. He said that the gates of Hell would not overcome it. He would not mislead us. God doesn't change his mind like some undisciplined human. This Pope was chosen the same way Popes have been chosen, with confidence, for more than a thousand years.

Don't you think it odd that the same type of conspiracy theories about American law and justice are being bandied about by Americans in regard to the legitimacy of our POPE? 

I cannot tell you why this infectious fad has hit Americans so strongly. But I CAN tell you that Jesus can be trusted, and our Holy blessed Catholic Church can ALSO be trusted.

This is not to say that mistakes are never made. I am quite sure there are many small errors being made at the Vatican, as there is everywhere else in the world - because anywhere human beings are involved, there will be errors. But the organization is protected from deadly error. 

Instead of catering to our desire for entertainment and ease and mouthing off about the defects of the current Pope, I recommend that we each take a good hard look at our own behaviors, and especially our spiritual disciplines. How is your prayer life? Are you praying the Angelus three times a day? Are you meditating at least 15 minutes a day? Are you doing a daily rosary? Are you meeting all the prayer commitments you have made since becoming Catholic?

May we all be blessed!
Silver Rose
Silver Cottage Hermitage


P.S. All of the blog posts I write are independently researched and written by me and all of them are protected by legal copyright and may not be copied for any purpose by any person for any reason, so please just enjoy them here and leave them here where you found them.

(c) Copyright 2022, Silver S. Parnell
All rights reserved.
No copying for any purpose by anyone is allowed.


Thursday, June 16, 2022



Corpus Christi is a "moveable feast." Today is the actual day, i.e., the Thursday just following Trinity Sunday UNLESS the Sunday after Trinity Sunday is free from another obligatory feast, which is the case THIS year, but Corpus Christi is such a pivotal and rather important aspect of our faith, that I tend to start on Thursday and maintain the mood through the next Sunday. In fact, the time period between Pentacost Sunday (which marks my entrance into the church) and Corpus Christi, has a deeply personal significance and cause for celebration for me.

Today is one of those days when I really wish that my physical condition was a bit better, just so I could attend church and have the blessing of the Eucharist. Of course, I do believe that, having received it once, it is of enduring benefit, but humans tend to appreciate the blessings that are repeated at regular intervals.

Because of Covid 19 pandemic, I have not tried to get anyone to visit me with the Eucharist on a regular basis. The last person who was bringing it started delivering it with the good news of Donald Trump instead of the day's Bible reading, and I objected to the substitution.

The Gospel reading for today is Matthew 6:7-15 in which He gives us the Our Father prayer and says that it is how we are to pray:

"Our Father, who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil."

Forgiveness of others is a wonderful message that is obviously extremely important to our Lord. Every time I ask something of God I remind myself to advocate also for those who have hurt me or others. To be able to put aside all resentment and the urge for retaliation is SO important. One cannot always enjoy the idea of repaying evil with good, but I can make that positive decision for it, regardless of feelings.

Every time this topic comes up, I have to work on my own capacity for forgiveness, especially with regard to some really big and shocking things done in a deliberate effort to hurt me and to also hurt my poor father who suffered from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease. His whole life he said, "when I die, kid, you're gonna be rich!" He said it all the time. Provisions in his will reflected it, giving each of his daughters a third of his estate and another third for someone else.  It would have come in handy for someone like me who is disabled, but it is not what happened.

After my father got Alzheimer's he was taken to an attorney entirely unknown to him and I was written out of his will . Shortly thereafter, my poor father died under EXTREMELY suspicious circumstances.  His death certificate was signed by a quack doctor who later went to prison for writing prescriptions for patients he never saw!  I was not notified of my father's death until his body had been cremated, and it was too late for me to get the police involved. 

In the process of trying to get information about my father's suspicious death, I also learned about some outrageous lies that were told about me - to my father before he died, and to family after the fact. Supposedly, I had called and screamed at this person, when telephone records will confirm that this never happened. I DID try many times to reach my father, leaving concerned messages, but I never heard back. I did not realize that my messages were being erased by someone else.  I did not know that my father had dementia or that he was being told lies about me in order to position him into an emotional state that would allow someone else to write me out of his will.  During this time, that person ALSO contacted me and told me, "your father does not love you. He used to have a picture of you by the bed, but he threw it away."

The person responsible for this was obviously trying to manipulate my father (and everyone else) before his death and cover their tracks afterwards.  They were successful in this, as many people are because, face it, Americans don't really care about disabled people or old people. A LOT of people think it is perfectly OK to kill a person with dementia. They say things like, "he wouldn't want to live like that." I know my father really well, and he definitely would not want to be killed. He would expect that people he took care of with the money earned from his hard work would, in turn, take care of him until his natural death. But when the money is rushing out the door for 24 hour, around-the-clock care, certain types of people start to say that "ending his (or her) misery" is the compassionate thing to do.

Every year around this time, I have to endure the emotional distress surrounding the suspicious circumstances of his death. It aggravates my PTSD something fierce. I have this vision in my mind of my father being moved into a room by himself, given an overdose of some medication from that quack doctor, the same doctor who later signed the death certificate, and then he was allowed to struggle and die, alone and unloved. And there is nothing I can do about it because his body was cremated before I knew anything. I was 3 states away, disabled and poor, without the wherewithal to travel to see him.

Imagine the type of personality who could plan and then carry out something like this! Yet, I can freely write about it because it is so common that my description could describe any one of thousands of people who met their death in the exact same way, under the exact same circumstances. These days, our society counts it as a "favor" when disabled and demented people are "helped to die." Doctors are often 'in on' the schemes. The victim typically leaves money and property behind. How convenient.

Given all this, I often feel grateful to be poor. No one will be murdering ME for my money, because I do not have any. I own no property. I leave behind only bills.

To make matters worse, other family members intervened after my father's death and compounded the injury, benefitting financially with despicable machinations originally framed as something supposed to "help" me but which were designed to back me into a corner and rob me instead. This too is quite common. The moment someone dies, it is often the trigger for the worst character traits to suddenly come out by anyone involved. I wasn't expecting it because my mind does not operate in this way. It took me far too long to realize the grift that was being perpetrated on me, on top of everything else. This is the stuff of which murder mysteries are made.

I have learned from this experience and others that human beings "become" avaricious when someone dies. They're like cockroaches scavenging a dead bug. It is a perfect example of why humans need the forgiveness of God and why having money is more of a curse than a blessing.

It is not easy to pray for the welfare of people responsible for heinous acts against myself and people I love, but I can decide to forgive without feeling happy about it. I keep having to make that decision, over and over again, every year around the anniversary of my poor father's death - chipping away, each time, at the tendency for unforgiveness. The happiness I do feel is in obeying the commandments of my Lord. He will deal with the cruel perfidious people responsible for everything that happened to my Dad and all the other dads that meet their fate in that way. Life is short, but eternity is very very long.

The Feast of Corpus Christi is the celebration of the Eucharist, so I plan to watch mass online and take advantage of spiritual communion. I am exhausted from the aftereffects of the booster shot I received yesterday. I can barely move, but I have many things to do. I pray for the energy to do what is necessary.

Saint Lutgardis
b. 1182
d. 16 June 1246

Today is also the feast day for Saint Lutgardis, who is the patron saint for people who suffer from blindness, disability, handicaps, and physical challenges, which is right up my alley, isn't it?

When she was only twelve years old, she was placed in a convent because her family had "lost" her dowry in a failed business deal, and there was no hope of finding her a good marriage. It is SO sad to read these stories about how women were treated as property until a very short time ago. Here in America, for instance, a woman could not have a credit card in her own name until the 1970's, nor could she sign pretty much any legal document without a co-signature from her father or her husband.

In the Middle Ages, when Lutgardis lived, a family had to PAY a man to take their daughter off their hands. Women were considered a burden on the family and, in the case of poor families especially, a useless extra mouth to feed. It didn't matter how much work a woman did in the household. She was never credited with the benefits of it. (To be fair, marriages were more credibly looked upon as the merging of two families rather than just individuals - and love matches were fairly rare.)

The ONE way a woman could be perceived as having any value was when she became a nun, but Lutgardis had little real interest in religion. An attractive young woman who enjoyed nice clothing and entertainment, she lived in the convent as if it was a private apartment, coming and going, hosting visitors, and generally being a scandal.  I suspect this was not an unusual state of affairs, considering the spot that women were in at that time. There were a LOT of children placed in convents who had not the slightest interest in any sort of religious vocation, but living as a nun was better than living in the world as an unmarried girl, which carried the weight of disgrace.

But suddenly, one day, while relaxing and enjoying conversation with a gentleman caller in the parlor, she was struck with a vision of Jesus Christ, showing his wounds to her. She dispensed with the ersatz lover and, from that point forward, she was transformed. Of course, the other nuns were skeptical, even after she made her solemn profession as a Benedictine. But she continued to have many visions of Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. John the Evangelist. When Pope Innocent III died, he came to her to thank her for her prayers and sacrifices that she had offered for him while he was still alive.

Pope Innocent III

I love this story of Lutgardis being visited with mystical visions, despite being a pleasure-loving young woman. I relate to this very much, since I came to monasticism later in life. I find her a good example for me. I also love it that the Lord came after her and graced her with visions.  It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:

"Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and will lead her
into the wilderness: and I will speak to her heart."
Hosea 2:14

Don't we all wish that the Lord would lure us away from the world and speak to our hearts in this way? Clearly he wanted Lutgardis for his own because he interfered with her flirtation with that young man in the parlor. I used to carry in my wallet a little slip of paper with this Bible passage written on it. Then I knew it by heart and gave it away to someone who needed it.
Lutgardis is credited with having many mystical experiences, levitating into the air and a type of stigmata. When the Benedictine convent where she lived was trying to make her an abbess, she did not want the honor, and she shortly thereafter left them to join the Cistercians, which is an intensely contemplative order. Still, she became known for her spiritual wisdom and the miracles she performed. 

For 11 years before her death, she was blind. Macular degeneration is the principle cause of blindness in older age. It is the disease I have that has destroyed the vision in my left eye, and I would just bet that Lurgardis had this same disease. She was 64 when she died. It is interesting that she is a patron saint of blindness. I should remember to discuss my eyesight with her!

She deliberately refused to speak the French that was used among the Cistercians so that she could practice an extremely solitary and quiet life. She continued to receive visions of Christ and the saints.

She was one of the first saints to be devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the first recorded mystical revelation of His heart was hers. 

In the 13th Century, she was QUITE popular, and she is memorialized in art by several prestigious artists. There is a statue of her made by Matthias Braun, and she was painted by Goya.  To this day she is revered as one of the more famous mystics of the 13th century.

Painting of Lutgardis by Goya

There are many more stories of the really remarkable mystical life of this unexpected saint, caught unawares by the grace of God, and I hope I have time to read more about her! 

Less than two years after her death, a book was written about her by Thomas of Cantimpre, a Dominican friar and theologian. 

Thomas Merton, one of my favorite contemplatives, wrote What Are these Wounds? The Life of a Cistercian Mystic: Saint Lutgarde of Aywieres (Bruce Publishing Company, 1950.)

This is one of the books on my Amazon wish list for books, which you can see:


Today has not been terribly productive. I am having some side effects from the Covid 19 booster shot I received yesterday. All I have managed to do is fill out this year's paperwork for my apartment lease renewal, make my daily meal, and go to the bank and get a little grocery money. All of that is in addition to my study for today's saint of the day, etc.

I did spend a short time on Facebook where I wrote a little public service message about these infernal fake memes that attribute quotes to Pope Francis that are actually New Age messaging invented out of whole cloth by some scammer on the internet. People really need to get their quotes (and their facts) from reliable sources - and we all need to remember that just because it sounds good does not mean it is true!

Speaking of truth: I watched the "January 6th" hearing today and was surprised to learn that nearly every close advisor in the Trump administration told him that "the big lie" was, well... a big lie... and that there was no legal way to force Pence to throw out the electors chosen by the people. Even after the mob had started killing people and were chanting, "hang Mike Pence," with a gallows in the background to emphasize the point, Trump egged them on. Advisors begged him to stop the violence, but he refused. It is hard to believe that anyone supports him now, but they do. The world puzzles me. What can I say but please, rely on facts in all things. Rely on TRUTH.

May you all have a blessed day, and I hope my little blog post has given you something helpful.

May we all be blessed!

Silver Rose
Sannyasini Kaliprana
Silver Cottage Hermitage

P.S. All of the blog posts I write are independently researched and written by me and all of them are protected by legal copyright and may not be copied for any purpose by any person for any reason, so please just enjoy them here and leave them here where you found them.

(c) Copyright 2022, Silver S. Parnell
All rights reserved.
No copying for any purpose by anyone is allowed.

Sources, partial list: