Watercolor Painting of my back yard in Northern California

Monday, May 9, 2022


In the confirmation hearings of very recent memory, the candidates basically took the position that Roe v. Wade was a matter of established law and, as such, it would not be touched. But as soon as they locked down the job, they immediately began working to set Roe aside. We know this because of the draft position paper recently leaked. 

Wild controversy has ensued. There is a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that the leaking of this document may have been meant to distract from something ELSE of even greater import, but I do not know what that may be, at this point, and can't speak to that.  The first thing that aggravated me, of course, is that the candidates LIED during the hearings. They manipulated the process in order to gain power - always a terrible sign. 

Lying bugs me, no matter where I find it. Satan is a murderer and the father of all lies, according to scripture. Wherever we find lies, something evil is present, to one degree or another.

Some people think that the ends justifies the means, but it is strictly against Catholic theology to use lies to gain a "holy" purpose, and probably every other religion as well. This is NOT a good start, but what can we expect from a political party, the GOP, that is always shrieking about the Democrats supposedly "packing" the court when it is they who have done it instead. The cognitive dissonance makes my head hurt.

Anyone familiar with my political perspective, by the way, knows full well that I am not a tribal devotee of any political party. I vote according to my spiritual values, my logic and my common sense, keeping in mind the predominately secular nature of our government that was created by people who had a horror of the theocracies of Europe. I can just as easily criticize democrats, and have done so in the past, but it is the GOP that is filling the air waves with conspiracy theories, lies and insurrection nonsense at the moment and, whatever defects exist in the Democrat talking points, the Republicans are currently FAR worse. Their talking points are just bizarre. 

I mention my lack of tribal affiliation so that my comments about this topic can be absorbed with the understanding that I actually do not have a dog in this fight and my position is not strictly elephant nor jackass.

First, let me say I am "pro-life." What I mean by that will be made clear.

Making abortion illegal is only one method of attempting to support life and avoid death. "Pro-life" is not encompassed by this one method. When I say I am "pro-life" I mean that I am a believer in a consistent, global approach that takes into account all aspects of creating and maintaining a culture that encourages and supports life! Life is wonderful, but not simple. 

Abortions were illegal but routinely available before Roe v. Wade, but they were dangerous and not only killed the baby but sometimes the mother as well. At times, the mother's future fertility was affected. If they are made illegal once more, they will revert to being done in less ideal conditions, as before. The only people who may not be able to have abortions will be girls who are too young to travel to a place where an abortion may be had, and/or women who are too poor to afford it.  

I well remember the years before ROE, and this is the way it was then, and is probably the way it will shake down after ROE is put down. BUT there is one fairly new element in the mix that was not in place before Roe. The "pro life movement" has become hyper organized. They are laser focused on making it illegal and do not appear to be interested in any other method. To them, making abortion illegal IS the sum total of what "pro life" means. When I have engaged in conversation with any of the self-proclaimed "pro life warriors" about other methods, I get attacked and called names. People pile on in a frenzy of fury. It is really quite something. Obviously, not everyone is like this. I have close friends who are convinced that making it illegal is THE thing to do, but they know I am pro-life in my own way and they don't resort to calling me names or harassing me about this topic. They recognize that I disagree about method and not about the goal.

I don't have to be psychic to accurately predict that the FIGHTING will continue, because people who are NOT pro-life and people who frame this issue as one of bodily autonomy are not going to stop fighting against the illegality. The "pro-life" crowd that has wedded itself to ONE failed method of supposedly supporting life will not stop EITHER. The whole thing is pointless. I have watched the controversy swing back and forth over the last 60 years in which I have been aware of it

It is distressing that few people seem prepared or interested in understanding the point of view of the opposite side. And they are pretty nasty about it on social media com boxes, calling one another names and insinuating awful things about the other.  The caustic and sometimes vulgar rudeness is intolerable. Also useless, since no progress can be made without coming to some understanding.

Because I am a convert and because my point of view has developed over the years, I have been on both sides of this debate and I feel I understand and sympathize with both with regard to the discussion about whether or not abortion should be legal. What I do NOT feel is hostility for either "side" because I see the immense suffering that persons on each side are feeling. I wish there was something I could do to help, so that LIFE could actually be supported and everyone could stop fighting about a method which, historically, has limited to no benefit.

People who gravitate toward the "force and punishment" model of government behave as if making abortion illegal is all they need to do to create a "pro life" culture in the U.S. and then they can just kick back and act like the job is done. When I point out that abortions will go on anyway, they typically devolve into angry litanies of resentment-filled rhetoric that makes it clear that they are much more interested in punishment than in the actual results. Yesterday, when I mentioned that women would get abortions ANYWAY but that they would be dangerous and may risk their lives, a pro-life warrior told me that "abortions are not supposed to be safe." This person did not care that the woman might die. He was much more interested in punishment. OBVIOUSLY not a "pro life" point of view.

For those on the right, only the baby inside her matters, while extremists on the left behave as if only the mother's life matters. But I insist that BOTH matter and we must serve the needs of both.

My experience of this topic, personally, has led me to believe that a freewheeling lifestyle of sex outside of marriage is damaging to women, men, families - everyone, really. At some point in my life, my personal approach became one in which I avoid sex outside of marriage. It sounds antiquated to many people, but it worked for me. 

I realize our culture is adamantly opposed to restraining the sex urge, and I am not saying that my method should be forced on anyone, but I rather think that "choice" actually comes long before the woman becomes pregnant. That is how I look at it for myself, personally. It took me a long time to come to this point of view and I understand those who do not share it.

I am a pragmatic person trying to talk into a topic dominated by ideologs. Most of the people who have some investment in this topic seem to be firmly entrenched in one of two positions. Even many "religious" people whose religion demands restraint of the sex urges are adamantly opposed to obeying those precepts about restraint of the sex urge. I WAS one of those people, many years ago. It did not work out well for me. This is why it became OBVIOUS to me that you can't legislate morality and expect everyone to just obey. They are not going to do it.

Just because I think that making abortion illegal is pointless does NOT mean I am pro-abortion or that I am a libertine. Far from it. I am tired of people demanding that I defend positions I have not taken, which is why I am posting THIS hot topic today. Next time someone calls me a "baby killer" I will refer them to this essay.

Instead of trying to force into use a method that never worked, I suggest we try, instead, one of the many other methods of creating a pro-life culture, so that, even if abortion remains legal, hardly anyone would take advantage of it because America could be a resoundingly "pro-life" culture.

We could follow the examples of other, less prosperous nations that manage to give paid maternity and paternity leave to the parents, as well as paid child care and health care to call their citizens. (No, they are not "socialist" countries I am speaking of. Most are democracies and countries that operate on some sort of capitalist system.)

Paying every worker a living wage that is enough to feed, clothe, house, and medicate a family while enabling some savings toward the purchase of homes used to be the American standard. Instead, the wages of the people who do the actual work are suppressed, and the value of what they create is shuttled up the ladder so that the CEOs have become little potentates who actually take vacations in outer space while their workers who created the wealth barely have enough to put food on the table. Compound this situation with a tax structure that has become entirely unfair, protecting the rich and impoverishing everyone else, and we have a recipe for disaster  - not "pro life" by any stretch of the imagination.

If all of this were cured and we actually were doing something toward making our culture a culture of life, we could have an abortuary on every corner and the halls would be empty - or nearly so. The legal status of abortions is NOT what drives them! Women do not have abortions because they are available. They have abortions because they cannot afford to do otherwise.

Once we have done EVERYTHING we can do to create a pro-family culture, beginning with the ways I have mentioned, above, only then should we consider making abortion illegal and only if the other methods have not resulted in a radical downturn in the numbers. At that point, some version of making abortion illegal would have to be considered, and we should start first with some limitations, such as limiting them to the first trimester. BUT I say this only to "cover all the bases" because I actually do not think that abortions will remain high in numbers if and when we create a family friendly environment. There will be some, of course, but it is a better than what is happening now. 

MOST women report that they chose abortion because of financial realities. I am pretty sure we can create a situation in which abortions are rarely necessary. Rape, incest, and the health of the mother are naturally going to be situations which most people would agree would be exceptions. Also, there are medical conditions that actually prohibit the survival of the baby but endanger that of the mother if allowed to go to full term.

In any case, the use of force that impinges on the rights of women over their own bodies has to be our LAST resort - not our first. There are TWO human persons present in a pregnant woman.  We can't ignore either one of them.

Obviously, I think that this issue is a whole heck of a lot more nuanced than most people seem to believe, and that is too bad, because this is one of those issues for which we need to be able to meet one another in a calm, respectful dialog that takes into account the needs of ALL persons. I pray we can find some way to do that.

Bless us all and God save us

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