Watercolor Painting of my back yard in Northern California

Wednesday, May 25, 2022



Tuesday, May 25, is the feast day for Mary, "Help of Christians," and, while I was taking a much needed and rarely taken restaurant lunch with a friend, 19 CHILDREN and 2 teachers lay dead in Uvalde, Texas, victims of a shooter who had JUST turned 18, then immediately purchased two AR-15 rifles. The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle that imitates the military M-16 and has a "high capacity" magazine. The M-16 is designed to kill as many people as possible within the shortest amount of time.

By the time the young shooter mowed down these children with a military style rifle, the gunman had also shot his grandmother but had not succeeded in killing her.  He chose the most vulnerable members of our society - the very young and the very old. The cynical cowardice of these choices is breathtaking in its evil cruelty.

The murderer was killed by officers who responded to the scene.

It is obvious to the rest of the world that the U.S. has a terrible gun problem that is consistently increasing in number of mass killing incidents and which often finds young and very young children murdered - cut down before they've even had a chance at life.  

It is time for radical change to our gun control philosophy and laws.


Just because the founding fathers thought that owning guns was a right does not mean they anticipated THESE kind of guns or that they would not change their opinion in light of THESE facts with which we are faced.

The founding fathers also thought that women and people of color should not vote and, in fact, that people of color weren't even human beings.  

The founding fathers thought it was just dandy for Americans to own SLAVES. 

A number of the founding fathers thought that only land-owners should be able to vote.

The founding fathers were fallible human beings who created a system with some notable defects, including slavery, prejudice against women, and various other odious opinions. The second amendment is no more sacrosanct than slavery. 

The founding fathers were not psychic and could not have imagined the circumstances in which we find ourselves today. But, if they WERE here today, I am betting they would adjust and clarify their opinions about civilians owning military style rifles.


I would say to the "pro-life" community that if the availability of abortions is responsible for abortions, then availability of these rifles is responsible for our mass-murder statistics, and it is time for RADICAL CHANGE to our gun laws. 

Americans should stop shilling for the NRA and the companies that manufacture these weapons of mass murder.  Shake off the yoke of the merchant class that is making money off the deaths of your children!  Thoughts and prayers are not enough. It is time for action.

James 2:26

We need Federal laws and a plan of implementation. Military style weapons must be taken out of the hands of civilians.

Contact your representatives and don't vote for anyone that is happy with the status quo. The status quo is killing our children.

My prayer today:

Grant, O Mary, Help of Christians,
the graces of which we stand in need.
Change the hearts and minds of those
who fight to keep the weapons of mass
murder in the hands of civilians; also we
plead that you intercede for all the victims
before the throne of God and for the  
protection of innocents from gun deaths.
May we serve Jesus with fidelity and
love until death. Help us and our loved
ones to attain the boundless joy of
being forever with our Father in Heaven.

Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us!

Silver Rose

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