Watercolor Painting of my back yard in Northern California

Saturday, May 4, 2024



(The following blog post has a number of articles and video links. Look for the hyperlinks in either blue or red. Click on the title of the article/video and a separate window will open with the content.)

Dear friends, I despise politics. The ONLY reason I am writing a political blog post in my religious space is because politics and religion have been conflated lately by American Catholics, and it has to be stopped, for the sake of our collective soul, most of all, and, to a lesser extent, the preservation of our democracy.

The closer we get to the elections the more frequently a self-described "pro-life warrior" pops up on a completely unrelated social media page, usually a Catholic page, but it could also could be an interior decorating page, or a crochet group, and no matter what I say about the color of the walls or the type of art displayed, the self-appointed warrior will say something ridiculously off-topic, such as - "I bet Biden would decorate that room with pictures of dead babies," or something equally ludicrous. 

Of course the page catches fire. We try to get rid of the person who is trolling the conversation thread so we can go back to discussing what sort of art would look good on that wall, or what have you, but it takes some time to settle because the human version of a mosquito is buzzing around us, desperate to cause a scene - somewhat like Trump himself. 

This type of person feeds on angry chaos. If we take a moment to take a breath and think about what might drive someone to incite this kind of response, and if we ask ourselves, "is this a Godly motive?" we have to conclude that it is not. I get nervous when these interactions occur, as it feels very much as if something evil has been introduced into my personal life.

In my more serene moments, I just block that person. On the other hand, I sometimes feel inspired to throw a little truth down onto the page because I strongly believe that if we only get to hear the poison, it is going to poison our world. There needs to be a balance, folks, and we can't let the barbarians take the city.

THE PROBLEM is that the subject of our current political situation is so big that I find myself spending way too much time reinventing the wheel. I just don't want to do that any more. So, I have decided that, from now on, I will just post THIS BLOG POST as my answer - no matter what they say - and that will be the end of it. I won't feel compelled to "come up with new material," but I have reinforced what I know to be true at the same time. 

The advantage of this approach is that it is not personal to any individual that reads the post, other than perhaps Donald Trump, who would know that I have seen him say these things. My intention is to pack as much factual material as I can easily access so that this post is helpful to a wide range of people, and I am not out to insult anyone. I have done my analysis, based on what I have personally seen and heard of the Trump movement, from Trump himself and from witnesses, and then I have added factual material that substantiates what I am saying.

The most horrifying and affecting things I have witnessed in my lifetime in the political sphere are the incarceration of brown babies who have been taken from their parents, and then the invasion of our nation's Capital by the Trump insurrectionists on January 6th, when they tried to overturn the elections and force the electors to accept an "alternate" slate of electors. 

I rarely watch television, but for hours, my eyes were glued to the violent, vulgar display. I was horrified by all of it, but particularly moved when the insurrectionists were chanting "hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!" They brought a hangman's noose with them, and a makeshift gallows. I was terrified that they were actually going to carry out the assassination. Donald Trump did nothing. He watched the violence on television, as we all did, and he did not make a move to tell his attackers to stand down - for hours.

Later, when Trumpers downplayed all of it and likened it to a tourist pleasure tour, I was disgusted.

Trump himself called the people to the Capitol, promising in his tweets that "it will be wild," got them whipped up with fury, TOLD them to go and "fight" and then later refused to do anything FOR THREE HOURS when the insurrections broke into the building.

Recently released video showed Chuck Schumer railing about the failure of the National Guard to protect them:

I watch this video again, and all I can think is "barbarians at the gate!" You would think that, after watching this horrible display, no one would be supporting Trump, but that is not the case.

Of course, you and I know full well that only people of good will are going to read this blog post, but I satisfy myself with the fact that I have done what I can to give proper thought and effort to my part of this contemporary American conversation, and that is all I can be expected to do.

When writing this post, I realized that there are a VAST host of issues, thanks to Trump's constant demands for attention through his daily public statements to the media, usually outside the courtroom where he is being prosecuted, and often during pep rallies that his people arrange, so there is considerable news about his plans to divest the American government of its systems of checks and balances, among other features. 

The thing we must remember about this Trump movement is that it was not initiated by him. The ultra right wing dissatisfaction with the direction of American politics has been going on for decades. I can remember listening to daily screeds by various right wing talking heads issuing from my car radio 30 years ago.

Initially, the complaints were about the direction of society and the dissatisfaction with certain aspects of life that had veered away from  traditional morals, such as the breakdown of families and the increasing difficulty of parents being able to afford having and caring for children. People would complain that "In the old days," one parent could work and support an entire family. That was one of the issues. While we can all agree that this financial squeeze is a terrible obstacle to the growth of a healthy family, the methods that one advocates for solving these issues form the basis for one's political approach to removing the barriers, and there are many differing opinions about how to resolve the issue.

It seems to me that, since that time, I have seen a sharp uptick in the number of people advocating for the authoritarian model, the primary approach of which is to enforce methods of change that a very small group of people has decided upon. We may all agree that we have a problem, such as the one I outlined above, but we will not all agree on the method that will resolve it, and thus we have different political orientations.

The authoritarian model is one that the U.S. has always fought against, as we have typically understood that authoritarianism is the antithesis of a democratic point of view. We lost a lot of men in two world wars for that very reason, yet today we find a growing movement toward authoritarianism. We have fought these movements in the past, but I imagine that in each such instance, there was a good deal of fear about the possible outcome - much the same as the fear I am experiencing today, as I witness the popularity of a man whose plans are very similar to those of Hitler.

There are a variety of plans that the GOP and its far right wing have initiated that are of concern, and I am going to deal with as many of them as I can handle in this one post.

Christian Nationalism

The GOP has a plan to install Christianity as the official religion, but I am betting that Jews might take offense. And perhaps the Hindus and the Sikhs and the Muslims and the Wiccans and the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons. The list goes on. You know who else might object? Mr. Constitution, that’s who.  

One of my friends has led me to a website where the conflation of politics and religion is complete and total. The "Rod of Iron Ministries" has mixed up Christianity and politics to the extent that the Christianity is subsumed UNDER the politics and in service to it. See two of their pages at the following links:

Rod of Iron Ministries 

Rod of Iron Freedom Festival

do my best to make sure I vote. I do my due diligence and I study the issues and the people, and then I vote what seems to be best for the country.  And I am not one of those people who thinks that the way to spread my religion around the country is to force the people of my country to live according to my religion.  It is the force that is the objection I have to it.

 Whatever happened to evangelization?

Today I find myself with my guts in a roil, having to listen to the folks on Washington Week analyze what Donald Trump thinks about this or that and what Donald Trump plans to do with our country when he gets back into office. They are talking as if he is a serious politician, and I just can't take it. It is driving me crazy. The man can barely put two sentences together coherently. He is a convicted rapist, a criminal in Federal and state venues, and a would-be dictator who has already attempted a violent, bloody coup to overthrow our government and has promised his co-conspirators that he will PARDON them for it when he gets into office. He has more than 90 different counts, or separate incidents, of crimes, and it appears that he has at least one jurist in his pocket, a Trump acolyte, whom he appointed to judgeship and who is very young, quite green, and widely considered to be disqualified.

[As I am editing and updating this post, on May 10, 2024, I have just learned that Judge Canon has indefinitely delayed the Federal case having to do with his incitement of the coup of January 6. Trump has promised to pardon all his co-conspirators who were convicted of various crimes in connection with that coup. At last I heard, there were about 1,000 of them. If Trump wins election, it is expected that he will get rid of the case against him entirely, as he plans to immediately execute the "unitary executive theory," which would give the president absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration and complete immunity for prosecution for any crimes he commits. This theory flies in the face of the entire thrust of the Constitution and would immediately transform our democracy into a dictatorship.]

Video: Judge Canon delays Trump Case 

Video: Chris Hayes: What Trump's Judge Cannon is doing is a ‘scandal,' says Hayes

Video: Why did Judge Cannon delay Trump's classified documents trial? | Dan Abrams Live

He has recently announced his plan to use the military to  round up immigrants into vast detention camps and hold them there while the mass deportations are being conducted, despite the fact that all of this is illegal. While claiming to be all “law and order,” Trump clearly believes that he and others of his class are exempt from the laws and from justice.


Reuters report

The Guardian Newspaper: Mass deportations, detention camps, troops on the street: Trump spells out migrant plan

Wash. Post: Trump and allies planning militarized mass deportations, detention camps

Bloomberg: Trump Floats Migrant Detention Camps, Biden Prosecution, Time Reports

MSNBC: Team Trump eyes militarized deportations, detention camps in second term

(There are dozens more items about this topic, if you want to Google it. The internet exploded when Time broke the news. Finally - Trump got a legitimate Time cover and he did not have to fake one to hang on his wall! )

We have seen a version of this before. Within the first six months of taking power, Trump began separating children from their parents. His goons ripped children out of the arms of their parents and imprisoned them in wire cages, to sleep on cement floors, covered with thin metallic blankets. I have seen the photos! Hundreds of them have yet to be reunited with their families because Trump’s deportations of their parents were so chaotic and unstructured, no one in government has a clue where the parents are. Many were sent to foreign countries where they had never lived and had no contacts. These families were treated worse than cattle, and I am hard pressed to understand how anyone can justify it in their minds.

Here is an article that gives a TIMELINE

Photo from this article: 

Photo by Alfredo Estrella / Getty Images/ AFP


Donald Trump embodies everything that is wrong with a completely corrupt, authoritarian worldview. But he adds an element of a circus, which embarrasses me on behalf of our entire country. Currently, he is being sued for trying to hide the fact that he paid off a porn star, “Stormy Daniels,” hoping to keep their affair secret so that he could win election without the news coming out. The sexual interactions between them are not what are being prosecuted. The crimes are campaign finance crimes in which he tried to hide it. It is the dishonesty that is the point.

There are so many “down sides” to Trump, it has become a jumble in my mind. With every fresh hellish revelation, I think to myself “surely, this must be enough to put people off him.”  Instead, when he holds a pep rally and complains about the judge and the temperature of the courtroom and everything else, his adoring crowd whoops and hollers for him, in clear adulation. Most of his admirers assert very strongly that they are Christian.  What does Christian MEAN to them, if falsifying records to hide an affair with a porn star is no big deal, and if disrespectful behavior toward a sitting judge who has Trump’s fate in his hand is a matter for raucous laughter?


Political cronies in places of power have done everything they can to slow down the process of his various criminal cases in the hopes that they can get him into office before he is found guilty and has to try to run the country from a jail cell. They know he is guilty. He brags about his crimes, on one hand, then later bewails how unfairly he is being treated by the justice system, on the other. His cronies do not appear to be dissuaded by his clownish antics. They might care if it somehow reflected badly on them or caused them some type of loss. But they have common interests with Trump and they appear to be doing everything they can to get him back into office so he can finish constructing the political machinery that will destroy democracy and put control of our government in the hands of the white supremacists.

A growing number of Americans do not care what methods Trump uses, as long as they can get him into office and have him initiate what they think will return America to a previous mythical time when the U.S. was the land of milk and honey and everything worked real well for the white folks. I have seen countless interviews of supporters at the Trump rallies who have only a very vague idea of what MAGA actually means, except that many of them know that Trump plans to build vast detention centers to house the undocumented immigrants while they carry out mass deportations, and they are enthusiastic about it. Trump knows what to say to push their emotional buttons, but these people don't really know the full import of what they're signing up for. Whatever it is, they are "all in."


An example of the sort of corrupt people who circumvent the law on behalf of Trump is former Trump Attorney John Eastman, who has recently had his law license revoked in D.C., due to his participation in a scheme to help Trump stay in power after his 2020 loss. He used his law license to undermine the rule of law, a very serious offence for an attorney. Until there is a result on the case in California, where he faces possible disbarment, he cannot practice law in D.C. either! Imagine the degree of devotion one would have to have in order to commit crimes on behalf of Trump  and lose their law license as a resulted! 


ABC NEWS: Judge wants Eastman debarred

I am mystified by how Trump is supported by people who operate with the public’s trust but continually betray that trust to advance the political aspirations of Trump and an increasingly corrupt Republican Party. It makes me so sad.


Eastman is also facing charges for conspiring to subvert the 2020 election results in Arizona and Georgia in 2020. And, of course, he is one of the co-conspirators in the election interference case brought by the Justice Department. Because the Justice Department is pursuing cases against Trump's corrupt associates, there is already a plan in place, as part of "Project 2025" to drastically cut funding for the DOJ, in retaliation. (See below.)

In addition to paying attention to what Trump himself says, I have also heard from a handful of his prior employees, associates and lackeys, as well as relatives such as his niece, whose book about him I have read. They all confirm what I am saying here, and more. These are people who know the man intimately, over many years' time, who were, to varying degrees, confidants, and several of whom knew details about his business dealings and personal finances. All of them are of the same mindset about him. His corruption got to be so bad that they could not, in good conscience, continue to work with him.

So, it is not as if I have neglected to obtain reliable facts, folks. The more I learn, the more overwhelmed by evil I am feeling, and the more I wonder why so many people are so in love with him. His villainous nature is so palpable, that when I compare it to the degree of devotion that many people express for him, my mind wants to break. I can only think that he is the most practiced of narcissists and has perfected the art of "love bombing" to such a degree that his prey are hopelessly affected by his blandishments - for a time.

24 former Trump allies and aides who turned against him

Former Trump officials are among the most vocal opponents of returning him to the White House 

Friends turned foes, Trump challengers pile up

Why Donald Trump's niece says he's 'nothing like he pretends to be'

Every day there is a new assault on my brain. Just this morning, I heard part of an interview in which Trump complained about white people being discriminated against and he insinuated he would do something about it when he takes office again. It is so preposterous, it is almost grotesque. With everything that people of color have endured, for Trump to make this claim about white people being discriminated against, is just macabre.

Exclusive: Trump allies plot anti-racism protections — for white people

 Trump Says ‘Anti-White Feeling’ Is a Problem in the U.S.

Trump has promised to become a “dictator” on day one, and eliminate everyone from government who does not support him or believe in his point of view. The conservative Heritage Foundation iterates the conservative plan for Trump’s Presidential Transition Project in what they are calling Project 2025, which outlines the plan to collapse the three branches of political power and transform the Executive Branch into a dictatorial agency that rules over the other two, rather than remaining in balance with them, as the founders anticipated. The separation of powers will be destroyed.

Reports of Trump promising to be a dictator "on day one"




Project 2025 Director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, said that Project 2025 is “systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, [of] aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives, ready to do battle against the deep state.”


When you read the list of its intentions, you should clearly see the Christian nationalist perspective in it, the destruction of our separation of powers, and the creation of an autocracy, in place of our democracy.

Project 2025 intends to

- Recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to come to D.C. and replace existing federal civil service workers that are not in sync with far right conservative thinking

-Radically restructure the government

-Immediately execute the unitary executive theory, giving the president absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration and complete immunity for prosecution for any crimes he commits

-Immediately invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the military against civilians.

-Enforce a strictly Christian ethos on all branches of government

-Slash funding for the Department of Justice

-Dismantle the FBI

-Dismantle the Dept. of Homeland Security

-Eliminate environmental regulations and replace them with supports for fossil fuel production

-Eliminate the Dept. of Education

-Eliminate the Dept. of Commerce

-End independence of federal agencies, such as Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission

·       -Direct the Dept. of Justice to pursue, prosecute and jail Trump’s enemies

·      - Incarcerate all undocumented immigrants in vast detention camps and conduct mass deportations

 Project 2025 Information

Click on one of these links for further information


Project 2025 official web page

YouTube video 

When I call out “Trump’s cronies” I am not talking about the folks cheering him on at his pep rallies. His cronies are the monied and powerful folks with whom he has always rubbed elbows. When he was in power, he was responsible for the rich being given massive tax breaks, so they could continue their decadent, depraved lifestyles at the expense of the rest of Americans, a growing percentage of whom suffer in poverty. Do they care that he is a rapist and brags about grabbing women by their private parts? No. Do they care that he tried to overthrow the government? No. That was a feature, not a bug. Whether Trump forces his will on a woman or on a country, his cronies do not abandon him. As long as their interests are served, they will continue to pull the strings necessary to enable him to escape justice. These are craven, mercenary, Godless autocrats. To call any of them Christian seems a scandalous perversion.

I am not exaggerating when I call him a “rapist.” He was convicted of sexual assault, unanimously, and then battery and defamation (twice) against the woman he assaulted in a dressing room of a clothing store, and has been ordered to pay her something like $88,000! There were 17 women that filed similar cases against him shortly before he took office. This is a running theme with this guy, considering the video where he bragged about grabbing women by their private parts and forcing himself on them. Yeah, he is a real Christian, alright.

Trump's sexual assault, battery & defamation convictions re: E. Jean Carrol:

They are calling it sexual assault

 Reading the verdict

Associated Press Report 

Trump ordered to pay $83.3 million 

Judge clarifies Trump did RAPE her

Dozens of women accuse him of assault or rape:



Business Insider lists 26 women 

Yet some very decent people love him, against their own best interests, usually. I have friends in the pro-life movement who are over-the-moon because his administration pushed some people onto the Supreme Court that immediately, on its own incentive, independently opined that Roe v. Wade was a mistake and got rid of it. They're not supposed to do that, which risks that this big "win" for the pro-life movement could later be overturned.


Whatever this partisan renegade Supreme Court does, it could easily be clawed back in years to come (if Trump does not take office after the next elections) because the court did not wait to be asked, vis-a-vis a case being brought to them , which is what is supposed to happen. But for the time being, pro-life conservatives are basking in the glow of what some of them perceive as a "win" against those awful liberals who “want to kill all the babies,” as one woman put it to me. I simply do not understand how they can be so invested in unborn children yet, at the same time, blithely unconcerned that between 600 to 1000 children are STILL stranded, to this day, separated from their families by the Trump administration’s cruel incompetence, and somehow THAT is OK.

FEB. 2023 - Close to 1,000 migrant children separated by Trump yet to be reunited with parents


Donald Trump has always been pro-choice. I question his veracity because he continually lies in service to his political goals. I believe that the ONLY reason he is on the other side now is because it is politically convenient. Nor has he ever been a man of faith, waving Bibles around for photo ops, notwithstanding. It is all an obvious sham. 

Trump has gone from selling buildings to golf memberships to (fraudulent) “University” classes to “Trump Steaks” and now a Christian nationalist Bible, complete with the Declaration of Independence and other American governmental writings. Trump is a salesman, and most of his products fail.  He inherited his business from his father, and he drove that business into the ground. I don’t know how many bankruptcies he had. It was at least 3, but probably more like 6. I have read that he was only saved by the incredible money he made from “The Apprentice” TV show, which I watched and enjoyed very much. I didn’t hate Donald Trump. I found him amusing.

There were 6 bankruptcies: 

Washington Post Fact Checker 

American Bankruptcy Institute

 Casino bankruptcies cheat workers out of millions


Trump's 7th Bankruptcy likely 

 Whenever I have criticized Trump, Facebook trolls have immediately jumped on me and claimed that I got all my information from “liberal” media. But they are dead wrong. Trump himself told me all about his crimes and his character. His own words and actions betray the fact that he does not believe in Christian values, nor does he  behave as a Christian. You only have to listen to him - not when he is claiming, "I am very religious," but the rest of the time, when he is acting like a barbarian.


Why are his supporters not listening to him? Why are they not seeing what is obvious to everyone else? What ELSE is going on? I do not know what is the undercurrent that propels the Trump train, despite his obvious criminality and perversion, but it sure looks like Satan to me.


I am not opposed to Trump for any reason other than he is a dangerous man, amoral, and criminally inclined. I am convinced that he and his cronies will destroy our democracy if he were to take power again. I WAS going to vote for him the first time around because, although I think it will take a LOT more than making it illegal to get rid of abortion in our country, putting some legal limits on it is a step in the right direction. Anyway, it is a complicated topic that I may write about sometime in future. I have my own ideas about the best way to make progress on the abortion front, and it involves evangelizing the culture because, somewhere along the line, you do have to admit that for reasons such as saving the life of the mother and/or baby, the cooperation of women, their families and their doctors is going to ALWAYS be necessary.  The government simply cannot take up residence inside the wombs of all American women.

At any rate, although I was more liberal in my 20’s, I have grown much more morally conservative over the last 30 years. So I am NOT opposed to him because of some nonexistent liberal bias that the Facebook warriors have assumed.


I changed my mind about voting for Trump when the Access Hollywood video came out and I heard him bragging about grabbing women by their private parts and forcing himself on them.  If he will force himself on women, (God only knows what he would do if he was in charge of the country again - especially now that all the sane people have left him behind.) 

At first, when Trump heard that the Access Hollywood video was coming out, he denied having said it. Then when the video was released, he actually doubled down and justified it, saying something to the effect that celebrities and powerful people have always been allowed to rape the women. I am paraphrasing, but I did see the interview and heard him say it for myself, so it is true.

Access Hollywood video 

The vulgar video

YouTube - Trump's reaction to Access Hollywood tape release

Politico's report 

It is true that I started out in life fairly liberal in my 20’s, the daughter of a TV writer, which I also did for a while. But I was always in tune with God and gradually, I learned that God's commandments for us were necessary in order for us to flourish.

The conflation of politics with religion terrifies me. Politics is a dirty, craven, mercenary and world-bound mechanism. Religion is divine. And I am convinced that it is wrong to force Christianity on a country.  My ancestors left England to get away from that, which is why our Constitution says very clearly that you cannot make any religion the official religion of our country. You simply cannot mix the two.


Jesus certainly didn’t ask us to enforce his commandments on others. He says to give to Caesar (the government) what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s.


Nor are we allowed to use evil means, even if we are convinced that the end result is good.  No. We cannot do that. It is specifically addressed in the Catechism, and elsewhere. We are told to evangelize the culture and, if anyone does not accept our teaching, we are advised to leave that place and not return. We are not instructed to take over the government, impose our religious beliefs on it, force people to accept Christianity, and install an autocratic government.


“If no one welcomes you or listens 

to your words, as you leave that house 

or town, shake its dust off your feet.” 

Matthew 10:14


To be clear – I do not believe for one second that Trump and his rich cronies have any high-minded ideals. He has NO devotion to the right wing cause or the liberal cause or the abortion cause or any cause other than Donald Trump himself.  

I discuss religion in connection with Trumpism because SO MANY of the people who are supporting him are using religion in various ways, and they are very vocal about it. They use it as a reason to gain power, as a reason to make laws, to gather sympathies and more supporters, and to justify the nontraditional and illegal methods. But power and money is all that Trump and his cronies are after. They are Republican, not because it is good for the country or good for people but because it will allow them to funnel more and more money to the top of the pyramid. The PROOF is in the type of things that they do when they are in power.

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

In These Times

On the other hand, President Biden's tax plan aims to cut taxes for working families while making big corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share. NOTE: that this measure goes a long way toward reversing the very trend that right wing radio personalities were complaining about, AND it reverses Trump's outrageous tax breaks for his wealthy cronies. Biden's plan rewards work and not wealth. See:

White House Fact Sheet

Part of the new GOP paradigm is a shift toward a more authoritarian government. The manner in which they want the government to function is more bossy and dictatorial than what is imagined by the democrats, generally speaking. 

I am mystified as to why good people continue to support Trump, at this stage, but isn’t it time to “take the win” on the abortion front and get a sane person in office  for a few years so that our democracy isn’t lost forever?  Seriously. Those are the stakes, people.


And a side note to the younger people who frequently tell me they aren’t going to vote: Get your head out of your butt, because if you don’t want your life to be a misery for the next 60 years, you owe it to yourself to VOTE.

Axios poll on the youth vote


As for me, I am voting for the lesser evil, which is the only vote we really have this year. In another 4 years, there will be a fresh field, on both sides, and we can begin anew.

As far as the Facebook warriors are concerned, this is my message to you: Until you have read this blog post AND all of the links that I have provided for your education, and you are prepared to discuss the points that I have actually made, and not the ones you imagine that I am thinking, I won't be engaging with you on social media.

Remember, folks - we are not voting for Biden to be our president forever, but if you vote for Trump, you'll have a very hard time getting rid of him, because he plans to stay, and he is crazy enough to incite violence again, and then what will you do when we no longer have a democracy, and there is a dictator in power whose lunacy grows more toxic every day?

He has always joked about staying in office, either for life or 12 years or 16 years. He says he is joking, he criticizes people for being upset about it, and then January 6 happened and he DID try to stay in office by a bloody violent coup.

Silver Rose

(c) Copyright 2024

All rights reserved.

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