Watercolor Painting of my back yard in Northern California

Monday, August 1, 2022



Assumption of Mary into Heaven

Today's feast observance that I am interested to learn also has a strong link to the subject of HERMITS because this little building, the Portiuncula in which Saint Francis lived, prayed and died, was said to have been built by the hermits of The Valley of Josaphat, also called "The Valley of Decision" sometime during the reign of Pope Liberius (352-366.) This fact was only known to us after about 1645, at least in the written record available to us at the current time, so who really knows?

Notice that the story talks about a group of hermits? Very few hermits are actually completely alone, and if they are alone, it is for a short time because other hermits typically join them at whatever location the original hermit can be found. Being a hermit does not mean that one is a misanthrope. It means that the person takes himself/herself out of the typical toing and froing of life to dedicate themselves to thoughts of and prayers to God more than anything else. I do miss that companionship of other hermits, but God has made me strong enough to endure this isolation.                                                                                                                                          

Sometime after the year 516, Benedict of Nursia was the owner/keeper of the Portiuncula. At that time, it was called Our Lady of the Valley of Josaphat or of the Angels - referring to Mary's assumption into Heaven being accompanied by angels. 

There is another tradition that says that the singing of angels has often been heard there, where the little run-down building was hidden among the oak trees of a small forest.

At some point after St. Francis renounced his fortune, he restored this little chapel. He built a hut nearby and was joined by some who followed him in his way of life, and this is where he founded the Franciscans, so this feast day and this little building are incredibly important to the Franciscan order. It was given to him in 1211 and on Palm Sunday of that year, he received Clare of Assisi, and the Poor Clares were formed. Some very poor and temporary little huts were built for the nuns, and their institution was surrounded by a hedge. The friars met in the little church during Pentecost every year.

Death and Ascension of Saint Francis of Assisi
Giotto de Bondone

Evidently, when he sensed he was dying, he had his friars takes him to the Portiuncula so he could die there at sunset on Saturday, October 3, 1226.

Various buildings were erected near and around this little chapel, but eventually they were all torn down in favor of this beautiful Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels which now houses the Portiuncula.

The darling little powerhouse of a church inside of the Basilica, is exquisitely decorated on the outside by various religious artists over the years.

I am in favor of the church maintaining beautiful reminders of its history and its saints. I love it that a grand and gorgeous basilica was built around this little church with the powerful history. Personally, I believe it is a mark of our great love for Our Lord that we exalt him in the most exquisite manner whenever we can. There are plenty of protestants who find fault with this tendency to beautify our churches, our altars and reminders of our history. But the atmosphere that emanates from an object that has been subjected to the proximity of a holy person such as Saint Francis can thereafter help other pilgrims to feel more of a closeness to the Lord who is all beauty Himself. Raising these things to the heights of artistic expression is one manner of showing the ultimate respect and love for the creator who enabled us to participate in His creative power in this way.


Whether or not the indulgence granted for this feast day was initiated by Saint Francis himself is under question in a couple of the pages I read, but the indulgence has been confirmed several times, officially, over the years, so the typical requirements, when met, will merit a full indulgence. Catholics will know what I am talking about. Anyone else who has a question about the indulgence, can check these sources:

WIKIPEDIA RE: Portiuncula Indulgence

OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS -Portiuncula Indulgence

If you would like to learn more about today's feast of Our Lady of the Angels and the Portiuncula, then here are a few links you can check out:




OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS PROVINCE - Franciscan Friars Conventual

CAPDOX - Capuchin Franciscan Friars Australia





I hope you enjoy this beautiful feast day and that you are able to avail yourself of the opportunity to earn an indulgence. Even if you doubt the efficacy, give it a try anyway. It couldn't hurt, right?  And if you could pray for me while you are in church, I would be so very grateful.

May we all be blessed!

Silver Rose

P.S. All of the blog posts I write are independently researched and written by me and all of them are protected by legal copyright, so please just enjoy them here and leave them here where you found them and do not copy any of it to any other place for any purpose.

(c) Copyright 2022, Silver S. Parnell
All rights reserved.

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