Watercolor Painting of my back yard in Northern California

Thursday, July 16, 2015


I dearly wish that our society was more invested in helping people obtain an excellent, well-rounded education.  In other developed nations, the academic standards are much higher and the education is free through college.

It is very difficult to communicate with people whose educational background is poor.  Those who have never studied the classic subjects, such as logic, for instance, come to the battle of life unarmed. Many "graduate" from high school unable to read at all.  Some "graduate" from college unable to think critically and are saddled with their own personal logic system as a disastrous substitute. Communicating with such people in a meaningful way is almost impossible, which accounts for parallel conversations in which the poorly developed person is incapable of understanding what you have said to them.  Their "answers" do not relate in any meaningful way to any question that is asked. The communications pass like ships on a foggy night. You can hear the noise of the fog horn, and that is all.

The thing that concerns me most is that, as the quality of our educational system sinks to the bottom of the scale in comparison to overall educational quality in the world, we are accumulating a vast legion of intellectual zombies.  This is nowhere more evident than in the political arena, where uninformed (and sometimes lying) oddballs garner a following of similarly vapid people.  It is easy to lead (and mislead) the masses when they are intellectually handicapped.  They are easily fooled by the smoke and mirrors of carefully crafted lies that are designed to arouse the baser instincts of anger and selfishness.

To help one another by paying the taxes to supply a quality education for everyone is enlightened self interest because a country run by idiots is an unpleasant place in which to live, unless you are one of the ultra-rich puppet masters that sits behind the scenes, throwing money at anyone who will cater to the agenda of the 1%, that agenda being to continue to funnel all the money and resources to the wealthy segment of the population while the zombies who vote for their candidates slowly starve to death.

Silver "Rose" Parnell
(c) 2015

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