Watercolor Painting of my back yard in Northern California

Wednesday, January 22, 2025



Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and be no longer stiff-necked.
For the LORD, your God, is the God of gods,
the LORD of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome,
who has no favorites, accepts no bribes;
who executes justice for the orphan and the widow,
and befriends the alien, feeding and clothing him.
So you too must befriend the alien,
for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt. 
DT 10

Typically, I am NOT political. But because my Christian brothers and sisters have elevated Trump to an almost prophetic position and are WIDELY advertising how they believe that God has placed him into office for some Divine purpose, I HAVE to point out a possible purpose that these Christians have not considered. 
First of all, what they do not appear to realize is that this so-called "divine purpose" may be to punish American Christians for drifting so far into arrogance and selfishness that The Lord is going to show us just how damaging our haughty, entitled selfishness turns out to be.

There is more than one way to "take down" a people and force them to recognize their sins and thereby adopt a more humble stance at the feet of our God.

Our entire American history is one of taking advantage of the labor of enslaved people. The resulting wealth and comforts would not have been possible, had not our country started out by just TAKING a huge swath of land from the people that had lived here for thousands of years and importing enslaved people from Africa into it, who were then forced to work. 

The forced work of enslaved human beings was monetized for the benefit of white people, leaving the Africans that we violently forced into slavery to live barely sustainable lives of abject poverty - a poverty, by the way, that has mostly been perpetuated by racism, down through the centuries.

That soul-killing and unfair poverty is mostly responsible for most of the crimes committed by the poverty-stricken peoples, but that is an entirely different topic. But I do have to point out that it has been proven that undocumented immigrants commit crimes at far less of a percentage than Americans, which makes sense. They don't want to be caught doing crimes, because they don't want to be sent back to whatever situation they have escaped in their home country.

Now, hundreds of years after TAKING this land from its previous occupants, we have all this animosity against poor brown immigrants who have LIKEWISE been wage slaves, earning very low income in our factories, watching our children, cooking and cleaning in our favorite restaurants, and laboring in various other, rather hidden, places.

Animosity against these modern slaves is being fomented to the point where Trump has vowed to immediately deport all undocumented immigrants, with total disregard for the giant hole that will be left behind.

One thing that these Christian nationalists do not realize is that these modern slaves are paying more than 96 BILLION dollars a year into American programs and taxes from which they cannot typically obtain benefits, such as Social Security and Medicare. 

What happens when they are kicked out of the country and all that lovely money goes away?

The second question Christian Trump supporters should ask themselves is whether or not they will be encouraging their sons and daughters to go to work at the meat processing plants or in the fields, cultivating vegetables. Who, exactly, is going to do these jobs?

Some Christians THINK they are elevating and recognizing a prophet, when it is entirely possible that they are actually enabling the instrument of their own doom - because THAT guy is going to put us all into a type of abject poverty that is tantamount to slavery where only the top 1%, the oligarchs, will hold all wealth.

The party's over, folks.

Just wait and see.

I pray for all of us, including immigrants.

Silver Rose

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