When I was moving among the Hindus, the common symbol of greeting and leavetaking was the anjali mudra, performed in the standing pranamasana position. Sometimes, the word "namaste" or "namaskar" is said at the same time as this palm-to-palm gesture is made.
When greeting a person more senior than oneself, it would be common for the junior person making this sign to incline their head in a very slight bow, which generally communicates humility in the presence of one's elders and/or betters.
This prayerful position is extremely respectful and points to the spiritual life of each person - the one giving the salute, and the one being saluted. I have always found it meaningful, charming and graceful.
The word "namaste" - loosely translated - means, "the spirit within me salutes the spirit within you." One could hardly go wrong with that!
Considering what we are going through at the moment, I would certainly recommend trading our typical handshake with this gracious gesture instead. There is nothing like a pandemic to make one more aware of the constant presence of germs, viruses and other forms of natural biological warfare that nature inflicts upon us.
In addition to consciousness of viruses, there are many people who are not comfortable having someone's hands on them, whether with a handshake or a hug. I could write a much longer blog about the many reasons why this is true for some individuals. I would just suggest that, if you DO intend to resume the handshake or the hug, that you ask permission before assuming, one way or the other.
I will be reverting, from now on, to the namaskar and the anjali mudra of respect and graceful deference, and I recommend it to you, if you have been considering the possibility of giving up the handshake.
In addition to consciousness of viruses, there are many people who are not comfortable having someone's hands on them, whether with a handshake or a hug. I could write a much longer blog about the many reasons why this is true for some individuals. I would just suggest that, if you DO intend to resume the handshake or the hug, that you ask permission before assuming, one way or the other.
I will be reverting, from now on, to the namaskar and the anjali mudra of respect and graceful deference, and I recommend it to you, if you have been considering the possibility of giving up the handshake.
God bless us all
and may we all be well
Silver Rose
"Sannyasini Kaliprana"
Beautiful and all Holy Spirit filled Christians should embrace it.
ReplyDeleteDear "Flower,"
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. I hope some people DO find this idea helpful and that those who are disposed to using the namaskar may feel free to do it. I pray we all respect what each person chooses to use, but i wouldn't mind if everyone just switched to this. In any case, may we all be well.