For the last few weeks I have been crocheting baby blankets and baby hats for my baby blanket ministry and, now that I have a good supply, it is time to switch to my "HATS FOR THE HOMELESS" ministry. Fall is already upon us, and I have to get busy.
Just as I did with the baby blankets, I will pray for the homeless people for whom I make the hats, as I am working the yarn with my crochet hook. This type of ministry is perfect for an at-home contemplative because it is a type of manual labor that allows me to continue to pray while I work.
Many people think of New Mexico and they automatically think of hot weather. Yes, during the summer it IS quite hot here, but we have a semblance of 4 seasons here, and winters can be VERY cold, sometimes dipping into the single digits for a week or two. This is extremely hard on the homeless people who, generally speaking, are not allowed to be inside the homeless shelters from 5 a.m. until 5 p.m. I am sure some exceptions must be made for those occasionally brutal cold snaps, but the homeless, like the rest of us, have business to do outside of the shelters, and they are on foot. Waiting for a bus when the temperature is 5 degrees sounds like torture to me!
Anyway, I make the hats and distribute them to shelters and agencies here in town, I love doing this ministry, but I need to work with donated yarn because I am poor myself and cannot afford to purchase the yarn. Soooo...I am providing a link to my wishlist on Amazon that has the specific yarn I need for the patterns that I use. (I make several sizes.)
Please do not substitute a different type of yarn, since my pattern will not be able to accommodate it, in all likelihood.
Amazon has my address and will mail the yarn to me directly. If you have a connection for cheaper yarn of the same variety and color, then please email me at, and I will send you my mailing address. In the alternative, if you just want to donate via my Pay Pal account, you can do that also, and I will purchase the yarn from there. Please note, however, that Pay Pal does take a small fee from the donation as a service fee.
As I make the hats, I will post photographs so that everyone can see what has been made! I think it is fun to participate in the creative process.
If you have any questions about this ministry, or if you would like to join me in making hats for the homeless here in Albuquerque, just let me know. I have operated in concert with a church in San Diego, California during one winter. San Diego is a relatively warm place and no one wanted their hats in Southern California, but the homeless here in Albuquerque were very grateful to get them.
By the way, a good percentage of the homeless are military veterans with post traumatic stress disorder and other mental illnesses. I realize that many people have a stereotypical picture of the homeless being drug addicts and ne'er do wells, but a compassionate investigation into the facts turns up a far different reality. it is very easy to become homeless, with so many people living paycheck-to-paycheck and jobs being so scarce. The homeless deserve a lot more, but all I can contribute are hats. I appreciate your help in doing this.
Here is the link for the Amazon wish list: WISH LIST: YARN FOR HATS FOR THE HOMELESS
God bless you, and thank you for your generosity!
Silver Rose Parnell
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