Saint Walpurga (Walburga)
(born about 710, died 25 Feb, 777-779)
Although I had never heard of today's saint when I began to study her, I already felt a strong pull toward her and I wondered why. Firstly, I am descended from and fond of many saints of this approximate era and locale (Middle Ages in the British Isles), and her name sounded familiar to me, but I have just discovered that she is considered to be the patron saint of female writers!
Walpurga, who is now typically referred to as "Walburga" in the west, was a very well educated woman of 8th Century Wessex, who is the first female published writer, thus her patronage of female writers.
It is likely I am related to her, as I am descended from King Ingeld of Wessex, (my 39th great grandfather) who died in Canterbury, Kent, England in about 718, approximately 8 years after Walburga's birth. He was not her father, however, because all the records indicate that she was the daughter of someone called "Richard the Pilgrim," who is referred to as an "underking," and her mother Wuna of Wessex. Family history prior to Walburga's parents is lost in the mists of time, but we know that there were likely dense relationship connections in that area of the country, with many folks related to one another, especially since the nobility marries amongst themselves. I have many ancestors and cousins in Wessex during the years when the area around "Dumnonia," (approximately relating to modern-day Devon), was first becoming part of Anglo Saxon England. These centuries from about 600 a.d. to 1300 a.d. are my favorite in the history of my ancestors, and I am frequently rooting around in the historical records, looking for my "royal rellies."
(Of course we have to keep in mind that, when you go that far back in time, the records are never perfect. Names and dates can fluctuate, but the places in which these people lived their lives are rather more set, as even today we have corroborating places of pilgrimage, with old castle ruins, holy wells, and other sorts of geographic place markers. There are written records, especially with regard to the exploits of kings. One has to piece it all together to figure it out for individual persons.)
Considering the early era and obscure parentage, I was fascinated to see how much information there is on this saint in the internet records. There are a large number of paintings of her, quite a few merchants selling her holy medals and statues, and a few books (mostly of prayers and novenas.)
All of this has aroused a determination to learn as much as I can about this saint and to include her in my prayers to the saints, at the very least to mention her among them, especially because I am a writer and I have suffered terribly with writer's block for the last 20 years. I am looking for inspiration to get my books finished before I die, and I am already 70 years old, so I do not have much time left!
It will take me some time to get up to speed with all the information that is known about her, so I will do the best I can with what I can immediately absorb, and then will return later to add more.
Something we should know about her, which I think has some implications for our modern life, is that Walpurga's father was both royal and extremely pious. This is a recurring theme that I find in the Middle Ages which appeals to me greatly.
One sees these people, draped in ermine and being treated like little demi-Gods but instead of arrogant and haughty people, the kings and queens are often extremely religious, modest, and HUMBLE. Under those sumptuous clothings, some of them were wearing hair shirts as a penance.
This saintly quality was frequently transmitted to their children, and there are entire families of saints (such as in today's case) which I find quite inspiring. Another example would be Saint Therese of Lisieux, though she is more contemporary.
It would be so easy for these kings and queens to just kick back and let everyone serve them, eat all kinds of glorious food while the serfs eke by and practically starve on rough fare. But that is not the case with many of the royal saints of the Middle Ages who were passionately religious.
It is quite a different family arrangement than what we often find today. I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say that they don't want to interfere with their childrens' freedom to pick their own religion. Their excuse for not taking them to church or giving them ANY religious instruction at all is so that they will not violate their right to freedom of choice, which is ridiculous, when you think about it. Obviously, the parents themselves are not usually going to church so they have no religious instruction to give. Their decision to "let the children decide for themselves" is apparently a smokescreen to disguise their own limitations.
Walburga's parents transmitted to her and her brothers a remarkable level of piety and dedication to the faith. It demonstrates the beauty of and possibilities for families to become instruments of holiness.
Looking at this issue from a personal perspective, I will tell you that I did not come from a religious family. I really wish I had, because it took me decades to get to where I am today, and I feel sad when I contemplate how much better I could have behaved with this gift of life that God gave me, if I'd had the blessing of a family that was interested in God. But my family was entirely unlike the ideal. Even my beloved Grammy, though a good woman, eschewed religion. She DID say that "all you need is the Golden Rule," which I believe originally came from the Bible, but I never saw her read the Bible, and don't know that she even HAD one, and she definitely did not go to church.
My mother LOATHED Catholics because, oddly enough, my grandmother sent her to Catholic school. I suppose the nuns were mean to her. That is a mystery for which I will never have an answer. You see? The Catholic Church has been on the outskirts of my family all the time.
For much of my adult life, I struggled between the beliefs under which I had been raised, and a nagging sense that there was something better, finer, higher.... something holy. I investigated many religions. I was on the Scientology flagship when I was 19. I studied Buddhism in my 20's. I was a nun in a Hindu convent in my 30's and then, finally, when I read about the Catholic mystics while a hindu nun in that convent, I finally realized what I needed. Even then, it took a number of years before I was able to join the Catholic Church which is, itself, the topic of another entire book.
As usual, I have digressed! I just wanted to give you all an idea of the contrast between a family raised with God, and one raised with immorality and selfishness.
We do not often see the combination of piety and power in the kings of today. On this topic, I am going to mention something that is political in nature, and I ask your forgiveness for doing so. I am sure you have noticed that I mostly do not discuss politics in my blog. I have more to give in the sphere of holy things than politics But just now, recent government actions are intersecting with spiritual and moral expectations of our leaders. We need them to be of the highest moral character in order for each to be an effective leader. But the current office holder falls so short of requirements that it is frightening many of us.
Donald Trump has just taken his second bite of the apple and is president AGAIN. He has recently posted on his social media platform a painting of a fake "Time" Magazine cover, depicting himself wearing a crown. Underneath the picture is a paean to himself, after which he writes, "Long live the King!" It is terrifying because he is acting like a brutal, dictatorial king, breaking many laws, violating the Constitution of our country, and hurting a lot of people with mass firings, mass deportations, and cruel language that disparages various categories of human beings. He has a tremendous amount of power, and with it he is punching down on those weaker than himself.
His right hand man, an unelected immigrant from South Africa, (Elon Musk) has been tasked with the job of destroying many of the agencies of our government. As is typical of this administration, Trump says they are doing one thing, i.e., "getting rid of waste, fraud and abuse," but they are actually doing something more sinister. The courts are trying to stop him, but he is simply ignoring the judgments and proceeding with what he wants to do. He verbally CLAIMS that he is complying but thereafter continues on as he was going, simply ignoring the judges' rulings. It is maddening.
For instance, we were initially told that Musk and a small band of teenagers and college dropouts were conducting "audits," but they immediately started to destroy agencies that Trump does not like, starting with USAID that delivers foreign aid to starving people throughout the world. Aside from the obvious horror we feel at the idea of innocent people dying in the Sudan due to famine, for instance, the loss of our reputation around the world will most certainly have colossal ramifications.
The battalion of college kids spent only ONE WEEKEND sending emails to employees of USAID, firing people and furloughing others. Obviously, the agency CANNOT function, so all the food that we were trying to get to the people starving in Sudan and other places is, instead, sitting in warehouses or rotting in stalled transport.
Two days is not enough time to conduct an audit of my own personal finances, what to speak of an agency with world-wide operations. Neither Musk nor his band of college students has the education or experience to conduct an actual "audit" which would take months or years when conducted by professionals. Our aid to the poorest of the poor throughout the world has been kneecapped.
The people who have been fired are not surgically targeted. Musk and his teen crew simply chose the easiest people to get rid of, and then they bragged about how much money they saved because of firing them. The approach of these people is overwhelmingly transactional in nature, completely ignoring the humanity affected.
In addition, the operation is being done in a sloppy manner. They have been wrong about the nature of the contracts, the exact amounts of the required payments, and have misunderstood reports and spreadsheet. Most unfortunate is that they appear to have failed to prepare themselves by getting information and instructions from those for whom these areas are familiar.
It appears they have no idea what they are doing, and while they may save money on salaries, they are disabling the primary functions of these agencies.
In another instance, when they sent out emails firing the people who kept watch over our stockpile of nuclear weapons, they had to walk it back but did not know how to contact those recently fired people whose business email accounts had been cancelled.
Trump is resolutely remaking the government in his image. The House, Senate and Supreme Court are all "in his pocket" and getting him to obey the laws has been impossible. One judge issued an order and two weeks later had to issue the same order again, admonishing Trump to follow his order. But instead of doing so, he continues on with the plan.
Before taking office, Trump said he knew nothing about Project 2025. After the election, he is following it exactly. The government is being transformed into an American oligarchy, and it is terrifying.
. Even before he was elected, the GOP was heeding his orders, in some cases blocking measures that would solve problems that they complain about all the time just to avoid the solution being effected during someone else's administration. This man will not tolerate anyone else being given credit for anything good, unless Trump himself is dispensing those laudatory comments in a condescending way that imputes the original agency to himself and his orders and directions.
He has become increasingly rude, demanding and dictatorial. He threatens to hurt anyone who does not behave as he likes. He is continually issuing illegal and unconstitutional orders. In a recent public meeting, he asked one Governor if she was going to "comply" and she clearly said she would comply with "all laws and the Constitution," and he told her that she BETTER comply with what he wanted or her state will get NO Federal funding. This is how he talks. He says the silent parts out loud.
Recently, in keeping with his habit of rudely and aggressively talking down to reporters, he has decided to abolish the First Amendment by limiting the journalists who cover him to an exclusive list of his choosing. Their journalistic credentials are limited, to say the least. In a hundred years, we have never seen this. But we have seen it in other countries.
Historically, the famous Hitler did this in Germany. Currently, the countries that behave this way are Russia, North Korea, Burma, Turkmenistan, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, Eritreya, Cuba, Uzbekistan, Syria and Belarus. There may be more. Dictators always suppress the free press as one of the first things they do to keep a country under their heel. Notice that the above list is composed of countries that are not known for being wealthy and successful. Dictatorships are not healthy governments, yet the egomaniacal personalities cannot give them up. They are obsessed with power.
The Republicans in charge of the other branches of government are thrilled. They sit back and watch while the president destroys one agency after another, apparently not caring about the human costs. They can clearly see that the Constitution is being violated but as long as it is being violated to benefit them, they do not make a move to stop the speeding train.
Today the House of Representatives passed a resolution that will give the rich more tax breaks and will pay for it by robbing the poor. They are expressly after Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. The poor will lose medical care, food and housing. Old people will be thrown out of nursing homes. Many of us will end up in the street, homeless.
None of this comports with the Christian faith to which he pretends to belong. They justify this cruelty by saying that charity is the job of the church. So they think it is alright to actively hurt the poor. A tiny little handful of men at the top of the ladder own more wealth than the entire bottom half. This disparity of income, caused by the suppression of wages and the negligible tax payments of the wealthy, causes terrible poverty.
The work of the people at the bottom of the pyramid creates the value in a company, which is monetized and shoved up the ladder to the corporate overlords.
Elon Musk and others in the right wing call poor people "the parasite class," when it is he and Trump and others like them that CAUSE the poverty to begin with.
I worked for decades and put money into Social Security. I do not feel much like a "parasite."
To be clear, my entire income is Social Security, with the exception of some television residuals from work I did 40 some odd years ago. I am on a Medicaid waiver because of my disabilities. It is possible that I will lose most of my medical care and benefits if this bill is enacted into law.
To be clear, my entire income is Social Security, with the exception of some television residuals from work I did 40 some odd years ago. I am on a Medicaid waiver because of my disabilities. It is possible that I will lose most of my medical care and benefits if this bill is enacted into law.
The depraved and foul behavior of Trump and many of his Republican enablers is completely unlike the holy families that we are discussing in this blog post.
In one, now famous, interview, Trump was asked if he had ever ask for forgiveness from God and he said he had not because he does not need it.
This is not a humble king who is self-effacing, polite, generous to the poor, obedient to The Church and The Faith. Trump is a vile dictator who cares about nothing but his own extravagant ego and his pleasures.
While Musk has been savaging our government agencies, Trump has been playing golf. In less than a month in office, Trump's golf habit has cost the American people more than 10 MILLION DOLLARS. Our wealthy overseers only care about money being "wasted" on the poor but they zealously guard the income streams leading to their enjoyments.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
A distressingly large group of generic Christians and even Catholics constantly make excuses for him, despite the growing list of examples of his complete moral bankruptcy. I can't write about all of it or else I will be here all night.
The excuse I hear most often is that King David was also a sinful man and God thought HE was ok, which is a ridiculous comparison.
There is a HUGE difference between a man who believes in the commandments of Christ and tries his best to meet them but fails - and the man who asserts the OPPOSITE values to those of Christ and succeeds in his efforts to achieve those evil ends. The first man is a fallible human being, and the second man is in league with Satan.
At any rate, we all have a choice, regardless of our family background and advantages or lack thereof. Today's saint followed in the footsteps of her sainted father and she actually accomplished a lot in her lifetime.
The last time she saw her father, she was but 11 years old. I imagine her waving fondly goodbye to her father and two brothers as they rode off on a pilgrimage, leaving her behind with the Abbess of a double monastery. Her father died while on pilgrimage, a year after he left, and Walburga remained in the monastery, becoming a nun, and spending 26 years with those holy women, becoming extremely well educated in the process.
She helped her brothers Willibald and Winibald to evangelize the pagan Germans, along with boniface, who was her uncle. One brother died, and she took over his monastery. Then the other died and she took over his as well.
She was an extremely gifted and pious woman who led both men and women in religious life, worked as an evangelist, wrote books about the holy souls of her two brothers, and is credited with a number of miracles.
I have a lot of reading left to do about this really interesting saint, and I will come back later, God willing, to add to this.
I pray for you all, as I hope you pray for me.
Silver Rose
Post Script: Please remember that all my writing is protected by legal copyright and none of it may be reproduced anywhere else for any reason without my specific written permission. Just because you can see it here on the internet does not mean you have any right to use it.