Watercolor Painting of my back yard in Northern California

Saturday, February 22, 2020


Christ Pantocrator - Wikipedia

I wish that American Catholics were as enthusiastic and one-pointed about evangelizing the culture with the beautiful faith of Christ as they are about pursuing political remedies for abortion. It looks very much as if one aspect of an enormous and hugely nuanced and modulated faith has been surgically excised and then soaked in a Republican bath, like a piece of lime floating in a gin and tonic - with plenty of ice.

For the sake of the unlikely possibility that America will return to the days when abortion was illegal, the "pro-life" movement is ignoring every other aspect of a truly pro-life philosophy and have put into office cruel and brutal despots who seem to care more about hurting vulnerable people, especially the poor, and in helping the handful of billionaires becoming more rich and powerful than in doing anything else.

Outlawing abortion is one proposed method of supposedly eliminating abortion. Someone, somewhere along the way decided that "pro-life" meant only and exclusively that one was devoted to making abortion illegal. People who advance this devotion to this particular method call themselves "the pro-life movement," but that is a misnomer.

The Brueghel Dynasty: Collecting Guide | Christie's

Outlawing abortion is a piece of a fruit which is a piece of a tree, and it is not even the only fruit of that tree. It is one of many fruits produced by the tree. Without the tree, the fruits would not exist, and if you were to produce such a fruit out of thin air, in some magical fashion, it would not make sense if one did not know that there was such a thing as a tree that produced it.

Catholicism is pro-life, but not in this miserably truncated sense of "pro-life" being ONLY the pursuit of a law that outlaws abortion.

In the context of Catholic faith, a "pro-life" orientation encompasses an enormous number of factors. After all, the subject of "life" is not easily reduced, is it?

For instance, the health of people and the life of the planet, in general, are obviously factors in a global and cohesive "pro life" outlook, but these are issues to which the "pro-life leaders" are hostile. Since "pro-life" Trump has been in office, he has ripped away many safety regulations that affect all life on the planet - and not just the ones that directly speak to climate change.  I could write 12 blogs about those measures alone.

Everyone having enough food is another pro-life topic. One in six children in America don't have enough to eat.  Throughout the Bible, we are told that we should feed the hungry and clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, love our neighbor and enemy alike, befriend the alien and visit the prisoners - but the Republican platform does the opposite of all that, while at the same time claiming to be the party of life!

Modern Republicans CUT food stamps and seek to cut more - while children go hungry. In fact, they encourage their minions to look down on the hungry children of poor people, claiming that the poor are just lazy. We are back to the days of Ronald Reagan, who inveighed against "welfare queens" and their families, routinely criticizing women having more children which Republicans claim they are only doing for the purpose of getting a bump in their welfare checks. This is NOT pro-life! None of it! At this point in history, the only people who benefit from Republican governance are the very wealthy white men at the top of the pyramid, which is exactly why Republicans desperately need abortion to remain legal, because the campaign to outlaw it is the only tool they have in their arsenal. It is the only way they can get the poor and middle class to vote against their own best interests.

While I write this, a bill is being introduced to cut medicaid again - something Trump promised NOT to do when he campaigned. The only program available to help poor, disabled seniors who make between $1,000 and $2,000 a month, the Medicaid Waiver program for disabled people, will be one of the first programs cut, if Trump succeeds. Millions of grandmas and grandpas will suffer. Today, as one of those grandmas, I am going without one of my medications because it costs $450.00 a month and there is no substitute. I am praying that I get approved for this program, which is a long, complex process full of red tape which, even if I qualify, will have to be repeated in only a year because there is very little money available for these programs and Americans are obsessed with the idea that there are "millions" of grandmas "gaming the system." It isn't true, but Americans are being encouraged to compete against and vilify one another.

The first thing Trump did, out of the gate, was to ban certain types of people from coming here (Muslims), followed quickly on its heels with a "zero tolerance policy" that was deliberately calculated to discourage refugees from coming over our borders, resulting in thousands of brown children being ripped out of their families and incarcerated in cramped cages in hastily erected detention camps where other children are caring for babies, viruses are endemic and untreated, and children sleep on cement floors behind barbed wire. The government refuses to give flu shots to these kids who are living in cramped, crowded conditions. It reminds me of our treatment of Native Americans, when we gave them pox-infected blankets.

There are some fake memes being circulated that claim that President Obama did this "first," but it is as close to a lie as you can get. Obama did not treat every refugee as a criminal, but where criminals with previous known crimes DID step across our borders, he did incarcerate and eventually deport them. In fact, he was called the "Deporter in Chief." Obviously, the children of the incarcerated alien could not accompany him to jail, so there were a few children who had to be taken care of - but nowhere near the numbers we have now, and not under current unhealthful conditions.

[I would insert a note, here, that it isn't the idea that our borders should be safe and protected to which the more liberal population objects. NO. Everyone wants our borders protected. It is the manner in which it is done that is at issue. Trump is fond of spreading the lie that Democrats want "open borders" and a free-for-all. That claim is just stupid.]

Watch the Jeff Sessions video HERE

Jeff Sessions announced the new policy and plainly said that children would be removed from their families in an effort to deter refugees from coming here, and that, if families do not want their children taken from them, they should stay home - as if all these poor people, fleeing for their lives from gangs and corrupt governments, are sitting in their homes watching television and heeding his words!

Thanks to Trump's "zero tolerance policy," we have had something like 4,000 children in our custody. A judge has ordered them returned, and some have been, but the program was so poorly administered, we do not know where some of the parents are. Many children will never see their families again. This is an horrific "pro-life" cause that needs to be addressed but which the "pro life movement" is either ignoring or defending, saying that it is "the parents' fault" that we stuffed them into cages. Not true.

"Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and be no longer
stiff-necked. For the LORD, your God, is the God of
gods, the LORD of lords, the great God, mighty and
awesome, who has no favorites, accepts no bribes;
who executes justice for the orphan and the widow,
and befriends the alien, feeding and clothing him.
So you too must befriend the alien, for you were 
once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt."
Deuteronomy 10

The pursuit of justice so that authoritarian regimes do not go hog wild and start killing the citizenry is another pro-life concern ignored by the self-named "pro-life movement." Even forgiveness and prayer for one's enemies slips into this category, since the escalation of hostilities, if allowed to progress in the heat of the moment, can (and sometimes does) become armed conflict that kills people. Even the restraint of the tongue has a place in this "pro-life" orientation because what one says is very important and can exacerbate a situation to the point where it endangers the lives of people.

"I tell you on the day of judgment, you will have to 
give an account for every careless word you utter." 
Matthew 12:36

"Pro life" Trump's vulgar tongue, his misogynistic, prejudiced taunts are often taken up by his followers and spat out upon everyone in their vicinity - online and in person. Disabled people are not immune to his filth, enduring taunts, jeering and mimicking. Even I have experienced discrimination at the hands of a Trump follower who told me, "I believe in Trump's law. If you don't have two arms cut off or two legs cut off, you aren't disabled." This man, an employee at the Smiths on Constitution and Carlyle in Albuquerque, New Mexico, ridiculed me for not being visibly disabled, told me there are "too many of you" (disabled people) and when I asked him how we disabled people were supposed to do our shopping if we couldn't park in handicap parking, he said to me, "I guess you won't." He was stone cold in his approach, and exceedingly arrogant, treating me as if I was a scam artist he was ferreting out. Trump nation.

Frank Pavone campaigns for Republicans and defends all of the above, in defiance of specific norms and rules against promoting political parties that have long been established by the curia. It makes him a "hero" to his followers, but his superiors have an entirely different perspective.

I could go on for a few pages with examples of different aspects of a pro-life philosophy that are being ignored by the "pro-life movement." Homelessness comes to mind.

Poor People Paintings | Fine Art America

"You shall give generously to [your poor brother] and
your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him,
because for this thing the LORD your God will bless
you in all your work and in all your undertakings."
† Deut. 15:10 †

The primary fallacy in the "logic" of the pro-life movement is this: In addition to ignoring all but one pro-life cause, they are completely ignoring the root cause of the one aspect of "life" they care about - the abortion crisis in America. Women do not have abortions because they are legal. They have them because, for some reason, they believe they need one. When abortion was illegal, there were still plenty of abortions being done. They were just being performed under cover of darkness; hidden, dangerous and expensive. Many times, both woman and child were killed. Often, the woman suffered damage to her reproductive organs and could never bear children again. None of that is "pro life."

If no one felt the need for an abortion, there could be an abortuary on every corner and they would all stand empty. There would be no "customers."

Clearly, the fact that abortion is legal is not the cause of abortion.

We could debate, at length, what exactly IS the cause, but that's not the purpose of this blog post. One cannot do the topic proper justice in a blog post. Research, canvassing, facts, studies and statistics that prove the causal relationships are what is required - and none of that is easy or quick or simple.

Evangelization isn't simple either. I am seeing a theme here.

Our elegant, thoughtful, faith-inspired, nuanced, complex, many-layered faith has been turned into a hammer with the hyper-focus, one could even say the obsession, surrounding a proposed political "solution" that isn't likely to be achieved and wouldn't accomplish the stated aim anyway. Why?

It seems fairly obvious to many of us that the Republican Party, in a cynical attempt to grab and keep power, has convinced a segment of the American population that if they vote Republican, then the Republicans will outlaw abortion and everyone can congratulate themselves that they've won a war for Jesus.

By enforcing the ideas that (1) the legal availability of abortion is the cause of abortions; (2) a "pro-life" orientation only pertains to whether or not abortion is illegal; (3) the Republicans are the only party that says it is "pro-life," and (4) you therefore HAVE to vote for them if you are Christian, the Republican Party has latched onto a huge segment of Americans.  If you take apart their faulty logic, which is excruciatingly easy to do, it is clear that their vise-like grip on Christians is based on a pack of self-serving lies. A 2008 article from "America - The Jesuit Review" discusses this in part, HERE in a piece titled "Voting One's Conscience."

Antique Russian Orthodox Virgin Mary and Jesus tin icon : ArtNotch ...

Our popes have tried to get us back on track with this topic, discouraging priests and others from aligning themselves with political parties instead of The Church, but the propaganda arm of the GOP is far better than that of The Church, which is suffering a crisis of confidence in the wake of horrific child-abuse and sex scandals. The Republicans are the ones who are telling us that no good "Christian" can vote for anyone other than a Republican and still be in obedience to the faith. That isn't true, of course. Our popes tell us this isn't true, but the prospect of being a "pro-life" crusader for Christ is too tantalizing and, instead of heeding the teachings of The Church, many Catholics look to the Republicans to define their faith and morals for them.

"A Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in evil,
and so unworthy to present himself for holy communion,
if he were to deliberately vote for a candidate precisely
because of the candidate's permissive stand on abortion
and/or euthanasia. When a Catholic does not share a
candidate's stand in favor of abortion and/or euthanasia,
but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is con-
sidered remote material cooperation, which can be
permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons."
~ Pope Benedict XVI ~

As a result of trading in their faith for a political party, Catholics and Christians of every stripe have begun to treat political figures like demi-gods, giving them the same reverence and awe that they used to slaver onto priests, bishops and popes. Despite the fact that Donald Trump's actions and words are the antithesis of Christian teaching, he is being treated like the savior of the world. Rumors abound, to the effect that he is the leader who will set into motion the great "End Times" that includes the second coming of Christ.

Popes, bishops and priests who try to re-direct the attention of their flock and who point out the flaws in the words and actions of these political leaders are attacked by the "faithful," denigrated and slandered, while the few priests who cater to the so-called "pro-life" movement are turned into superstar "saints" who are, for all intents and purposes, given carte blanche by lay people to behave as they like, and who sometimes buy into the adulation of the masses.

This is what has happened to Frank Pavone, who, since 2011, has been in hot water with his superiors and became more and more an authority unto himself, culminating in an horrific sacrilege of incorporating the body of a dead aborted baby into a sacred mass in which he placed the dead body on the altar in November of 2016 as a political stunt calculated to steer Catholics toward voting for Donald Trump.

A still purporting to be from a Mass Fr Frank Pavone celebrated with the body of a deceased baby on the altar. Photo: Patheos

[This photograph, from the video, is CENSORED because it shows the corpse of a dead fetus that he had displayed on the altar, in an alarmingly sacrilegious manipulation designed to grip the emotions of Catholics.]

"We have to decide if we will allow this child killing
to continue in America or not. Hillary Clinton and 
the Democratic platform says yes, let the child-killing
continue (and you pay for it); Donald Trump and the
Republican platform says no, the child should be
Fr. Frank Pavone

Pavone had been given the baby's body by a pathologist who had been routinely tasked with its disposition. Rather than have the child "disposed of" as medical waste, like an amputated arm or an unwanted cancer, he gave it to Father Pavone for the express purpose of burying the child, but Pavone did not do that. Instead, Pavone began a series of carnival-style mockeries of a sacred mass, even going so far as to live-stream and videotape and post it on Facebook. The photo, above, is a still picture from that video. The 44-minute long video also shows him elevating a poster that displays graphic abortion methods. (This video has been subsequently removed, I believe, from Facebook, though I have no doubt you can find a copy somewhere on the internet. Nothing is really erased from the internet.)

Priests are specifically enjoined from working on behalf of any political party or candidate, but Pavone went rogue, long ago, urged on by the fawning sycophancy of his followers. This is what happens when you isolate and remove one piece of a philosophy. It turns into a fetish.

To this day, it does not appear that the baby's body has been buried. Instead, it is apparent that Pavone is keeping it for possible further use in his propaganda campaigns. That poor baby has no rest, unless you think floating in a chemical solution in a glass jar  in some back room of a church constitutes being put "at rest.'

In response to an onslaught of complaints about the dead baby mass and its video, Pavone's diocese immediately began an investigation and issued a statement saying that "Priests for Life" is not a Catholic organization and not under their control and that the mass using the child and the posting of that video are "against the dignity of human life and is a desecration of the altar."

"The Diocese of Amarillon deeply regrets the offense
and outrage caused by the video for the faithful and
the community at large. The action and presentation
of Father Pavone in this video is not consistent with
the beliefs of the Catholic Church."
~ Bishop Patrick J. Zurek ~

As early as 2011, Pavone had already been recalled to his diocese and suspended from priestly functions outside the diocese to answer for his lack of transparency with regard to the finances of his pro-life organization and his refusal to cooperate with his superiors when asked.

"Whatever set this conflict off, it's unfolding has exposed, 
in my opinion, a deficient attitude from Fr. Pavone in regard 
to the clerical obedience he owes his bishop and even in his 
understanding of the purpose of priesthood."
~ Edward Peters, Canon Lawyer ~

Most recently, I see that his insubordination has grown in leaps and bounds. When asked the name of his current bishop, he refuses to give it but asks, instead, "you mean my slave master?"

I have listed some of my sources, below. If you read the post on Patheos by Mary Pezzulo, there is  good reason to believe that Pavone is in possession of two baby corpses that died in the late 1970s and that he is using them in his traveling horror show.

In the post from Keith Michael Estrada, Also on Patheos, there is a timeline of events that will be helpful in understanding what has happened, over time, with this renegade priest and his minions.

My position, if you haven't figured it out yet is that we should not be sacrificing every other part of our religion for the sake of pursuing the dream of making abortion illegal.  The ghoulish carnival barker in a priest collar who uses the bodies of dead babies to win converts to Trumpian Republicanism misrepresents the faith and shouldn't be followed by the laity under any circumstances. Lauding this misguided man will help to ruin him and the faithful should just stop doing it.

In addition, we need to wake up to the fact that our horrifying "pro life" trade-off in which we have traded our entire religion for the sake of making abortion illegal, has resulted in the installation of a fascist government that is hostile to life, in general, and, if not curtailed soon, may be responsible for the death of all life on our planet. It sounds extreme, but this is where we are. Climate change is altering the planet rapidly while, at the same time, American democracy is falling off the rails, thanks to an insane and brutally dangerous occupant of the Oval Office, who is being supported and encouraged by a Republican Party that has orchestrated a fetishized, cynical propaganda campaign, using a bastardized vision of faith as a tool.

By removing crucial regulations, backing out from the climate accord, denying science, and allowing big donors to pillage the earth, Trump is making the earth an unfit home. Topping this off with more tax cuts for the ultra rich coming down the pike, combined with more cuts to an already inadequate and failing social safety net, the effects will be catastrophic - and very soon.

It isn't just the types of policies that are dangerous, it is Trump's methods, redolent of the abuse of office and brutality most often found in third world banana republics with primitive dictators at the helm. Whoever dares to even utter a word of disapproval is walked out of the government offices under armed guard. Often their relatives are also made to suffer, such as the case of Lt. Col. Vindman, the highly decorated officer who obeyed a congressional subpoena and gave testimony during Trump's impeachment hearing in the House. His twin brother, who had nothing to do with any of this, was walked out with him, in a very public retaliation, calculated to put fear into the hearts of anyone on The Hill who might have thoughts of opening their mouths and speaking Truth or advocating for justice and the rule of law.

Fortunately, some members of the intelligence community, which is being aggressively hollowed out by Trump's retaliations and slander, are fighting back. But when the guy at the top of the pile is calling out their wives BY NAME and thereby threatening her and the children - publicly - it can give you pause.

All of this is right out of the authoritarian playbook. Hitler and others have used these methods. Lies, slander, fear, retaliation, brutality; all of these are common to the dictator.

Frank Pavone is enabling all of it, offering up his Catholic followers in the same way he offered up that dead baby on the altar. All of it is obscene and none of it is endorsed by the Catholic Church. As mentioned before, his supervisors and all the ecclesial authorities above them have tried, and failed to rein him in. His bishop has objected to Pavon's "incorrigible defiance of my legitimate authority as his bishop," but Pavone is emboldened by the adulation of the crowd and has not shown any sign that he has taken to heart the attempts of his superiors to guide him.

It won't matter, even if Pavone could somehow get a law passed, outlawing abortion. We are all going to be dead before long, anyway, if the natural results of the Trump Administrations removal of regulations and sanctions have their natural result. Scientists have said we have about ten years in which to turn this toxic boat around. After that, it goes over the waterfall. Human beings, animals, trees, plants, insects - even the cockroaches. We'll all be dead. Not very pro-lifey, if you ask me.

Silver Rose
Sannyasini Kaliprana
(c) Copyright 2020, All rights reserved.


September 9, 2011
Letter to U.S. cardinals and bishops from Msgr. Harold Waldow, of Amarillo Diocese suspending Pavone from "public ministry outside of the Diocese of Amarillo" (online copy)

September 13, 2011
Fr. Pavone appeals suspension by his bishop to Rome
Catholic News Agency
by Michelle Bauman

September 29, 2011
Canon lawyer analyzes issues in Fr. Pavone case
Clerical Whispers

January 19, 2012:
Amarillo bishop suspends Father Pavone's activities outside the diocese
Archdiocese of Baltimore article

November 7, 2016
A Catholic priest put an aborted fetus on the altar in an appeal for Donald Trump
The Washington Post - Acts of Faith
by Sarah Pulliam Bailey, reporter

November 8, 2016
Fr. Frank Pavone uses aborted fetus in message for Election Day
National Catholic Reporter
by Brian Roewe

Nov 8, 2016
Breaking: Diocese of Amarillo opens investigation into Fr. Pavone's actions; Decries video as "against the dignity of human life and is a desecration of the altar."

November 9, 2016
Bishop launches probe of priest who posed with fetus on the altar
Religion News Service - Beliefs column
by David Gibson

November 15, 2016
A scary, confusing timeline: The child (ab/mis)used by Father Frank Pavone
Proper Nomenclature by Keith Michael Estrada

October 16, 2019:
Diocese of Amarillo: Pavone Not a Priest in Good Standing
Steel Magnificat; Everything is Grace
by Mary Pezzulo

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


died 1135

"For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, 
that you should abstain from fornication."
~ 1 Thessalonians 4:3 ~

I had some free time today, as I had put aside the day for relaxation, and I was unable to find anything of appropriate diversion on any of the venues in my computer. More and more, it hardly seems worth even attempting to find any entertainment because it seems that nearly everything I try has the most rank pornography in it! Just as I begin to become interested in a plot, whether it is a mystery or an historical treatment or some such other drama, all of a sudden, everyone's clothes drop away and my eyes are assaulted with genitalia, acres of naked skin (usually the women, but sometimes also men), and the most unfortunate sounds assail my ears.

I am not a prude. I just find the sudden introduction of naked, heaving bodies incredibly boring, after the initial shock. Honestly, who does not know how sex works? We are familiar with what people do in bed, and it rarely advances the plot of the dramatic production one iota to include a scene of people having sex! Seriously, I can't see the purpose of it, but, apparently, modern culture is firmly established in the idea that pornography is a type of entertainment and "everyone" wants to see naked people in every dramatic production on television.

"Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting
and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness,
not in strife and envying."
~ Romans 13:13 ~

If the rest of the production has captivated my attention, I might occasionally walk away and grab a snack. By the time I return, the sex scene is typically over. Sometimes, if I don't feel like rousing myself to go to the kitchen,  I will skip to the next scene in which people have retained their clothing. Usually, however, I move on to a different movie or episodic series because I know that, where there is one sex scene there will be more!

"But fornication, and all uncleanness, or
covetousness, let it not be once named among
you, as becomes saints."
~ Ephesians 5:3 ~

Neither am I interested in seeing that people are punished for having sex or that production companies be fined for showing a field of flesh. Again, it is a question of avoiding focus on the sex lives of other persons, which is not where the mind of the spiritual aspirant should reside! Clearly, though, it should be obvious that obeying religious prescriptions about sexual matters is an act of the heart and the will, and no one should be forced, especially since monitoring the sex lives of others would put the purity of one's own mind at risk.

 "I made a covenant with my eyes; why then
should I think on a maid?"
~ Job 31:1

Chastity is recommended throughout the Bible, it is recognized in all the major religious traditions as a necessary practice for those wanting to become close to God, and all of this is well known, especially among my Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Vedanta and Buddhist friends. The Hindus teach that chastity ("Brahmacharya") is essential to the physical processes that contribute to the "realization" of God, which adds an extra layer of spiritual practice.

"Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have 
his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."
~ 1 Corinthians 7:2 ~

There is one female saint for whom today is the feast day, and that is Saint Belina of Troyes, a young French girl who just happens to be known for her devotion to chastity. She rejected a suitor who was powerful and well placed, in order to retain her virginity, and she was killed for her impulse toward chastity.

If only there had been as much attention placed on chastity for men as for women in human history, we might not now be finding ourselves in this situation where sex shows have become general entertainment for the masses. I use the word "entertainment" with some skepticism, since I doubt that it is entertaining, so much as it is intended to be titillating. Yesterday, I was told by a friend who works in the motion picture industry that it is generally accepted that a good number of people want that sort of thing in their movies and television shows, and this is why naked bodies and sexual situations are featured in most of the modern motion picture fare that is offered to adults.

"Oh, how I love Your law! All day long it is
my meditation."
~ Psalm 119:97 ~

I feel the need to stress here that, in order to practice chastity, it isn't required that one be a virgin, or innocent or spotless or "pure" as far as one's history is concerned. That's the marvelous thing about Christ. He is the God of second chances and, as such, he is the most intelligent counselor that ever lived. I think many people who have fallen by the wayside when it comes to the practice of chastity have a hard time getting back "on track," as it were. One needn't punish oneself with excess scruples in this regard. Repent of past indiscretions and gently shepherd yourself back to the pure life expected of a spiritual aspirant.

We are not required to have been saints our entire lives in order to aspire to becoming saints in future. Think on the people, such as Saint Augustine, who led completely dissolute lives, became converted, and were saints by the time of their demise.

Image result for  "saint augustine"

Reading my own words, above, I can almost hear some of the modern Christians deriding me for "antiquated" ideas, but these "antiquated" ideas are an essential part of spiritual life, not just with the Christians. There are many reasons why chastity is crucial, but I can't reinvent the wheel here. There are entire books written on the topic, and you need to go read those if you are one of the people who has decided to twist religion into something of your own invention that incorporates sexual license.

I will just say that in the 17 years since I took actual vows of celibacy, I have not regretted it. In fact, I grow to love this practice more and more. It has much to offer and I highly recommend it to the serious spiritual person.

God bless us all.

Silver Rose
aka Sannyasini Kaliprana

(c) Copyright 2020, all rights reserved
Silver S. Parnell

Sunday, February 9, 2020



"The one whose walk is blameless,
who does what is righteous,
who speaks the truth
from their heart;
whose tongue utters no slander,
who does no wrong to a neighbor,
and casts no slur on others.
Psalm 15:2-3

It disturbs me to see what seems to be an increase in the willingness of people to lie in order to further their own ends. We see this happening in Washington with that governmental circus of professional prevaricators who have honed blatant dishonesty to the level of high art and use bald faced lies to cement control and wield power, but, to be fair, I find deception to be heavily represented throughout society in day-to-day life, even among people whose professions lead one to expect much different and better.

My original draft of this blog post had three paragraphs of stories about several different liars in my orbit and how they lied to, about, or near me over the years and this week, but I realized that this problem is so common that I needn't provide those stories. I am quite sure that you all have enough of your own tales of the mendacious.

I have watched all sorts of people lie over the years and I find myself having a spine-chilling visceral reaction to it. I can almost feel Satan brushing up against me. It is an ominous and unnerving sensation.

Most "modern" people do not believe in Satan, but I usually tell them not to worry about it because Satan believes in them.  HE will keep the relationship going. I say this to them in a joking way. No one wants to be such a downer as to bring up hellfire and damnation in polite conversation!

But even I don't necessarily believe in the personification of evil that is the personality of a being named Satan. For me, "Satan" is shorthand for primal evil and its movement in our lives. And, while it is common for people to opine about whether or not God will assign them to Hell when we die, it is my understanding that it is with our own behavior that we demonstrate that resting place in which we are most comfortable and most familiar.

We walk around in our own personal acre of heaven or hell and carry it around with us as we move through life. If we establish our mind in the Heavenly place, Heaven is most real for us. The Kingdom of Heaven is among us!

The condition of our mind is determined by where we place our attention. It is as simple as that. Concentrate on Heaven, and Heaven is most real for us  But please don't assume that, because I KNOW this, that I have a "lock" on the process. No. Not at all. I struggle like everyone else....and perhaps MORE than everyone else, due to the PTSD that assaults me daily. It takes work to continually redirect the mind to the feet of the Lord when it has become distracted.

Our prayers and meditations have a dual purpose: first, to establish ourselves in the Divine, and second to intercede for others who have wandered away into lies and other obstructions that stand in the way of their vision of God.

"Self realization" isn't enough. We need to include all beings in a unitary vision.

Jesus admonishes us to pray for our enemies. Satan is the biggest enemy of all, and all lies originate with him. He is the father of all lies, and we need to fight him by fighting dishonesty because dishonesty is his calling card, and when it appears, HE is lurking nearby.

This is exactly why a good percentage of us are somewhat exercised by current affairs. The presence of Satan upsets people who are possessed of refined sensibilities. We are like the canaries in the coal mine. When you see a bunch of us flapping our wings and chirping dispiritedly, then falling over in a dead faint, it is a cue to get out of the mine. Get out of whatever societal situation in which we are mired and seek out the fresh air and sunshine. Meditation and prayer are the fresh air and sunshine for the soul.

Our current situation has encouraged me to double down on my meditation and prayers and I encourage you to do the same. Think of this: all the blog posts on Facebook, the newspapers, the magazine, the videos that bring each falsehood to light are fine vehicles of information, but are unable, by themselves, to stem the tide of the very real damage that is caused by malicious disinformation.

As people of faith, we have to do this. The fetid material being belched into the environment from the professional liars has to be counteracted on the spiritual plane, as well as the material, and we must hold fast to our compassionate prayer for those who are seduced by the continual stream of disparagement, calumny and toxic fabrication in which we are awash.

But, even if you are on the other side of things, and you believe every word from the current rulers, you surely must also follow my advice since the Lord will only cooperate with good and would not do evil just because a bunch of people ASKED him to! You know He couldn't do that.

Our mutual faith in Him draws us together. Across the divide, we may hold hands in the common belief that God brings all things to the good and that the words of Jesus, to love our enemies and pray for them, can only bring good. To unite with one another and place ourselves at the feet of the Lord who is Truth personified, and to beg for Truth to prevail, can only result in Truth!

Please join me in my prayers for Truth and Justice. Whatever is True and Just will be strengthened thereby. Whoever is True and Just will be strengthened. We do not need to name them or decide who they are, in advance (although we all probably believe that we know the "who" of things!)

I send love to you all and ask you to join me under the common sheltering roof of the absolute.

Silver Parnell
Sannyasini Kaliprana

P.S. I also remind you that my Paypal button still works, just in case you'd like to help me purchase some eyeglasses or dental work, neither one of which are paid for by Medicare!

Thursday, February 6, 2020


Welsh Crywth and phighorn

I was horrified this morning by some political news, and I was going to write something about it in my diary, but prompted by something a friend said, I pleaded with the Lord to give me some guidance about this, and I was given it.  Feed the garden, not the weeds.

This principle is long familiar to me. As a student of meditation with the Vedantists, I soon learned that one wants to encourage the establishment of the Divine within oneself by putting your mind in the lap of The Mother.

So, let us all go toward the Divine and put our minds there, and not on the nightmare of our political situation, shall we?

There are no female saints whose feast day occupies either today or tomorrow, so I have settled on Saturday's lady, who turns out to be Saint Cointha (aka "Quinta" or "Cynthia"), a martyr who died being dragged by her ankles through the streets of Alexandria, during the persecutions of the Emperor Trajanus Decius in about 249 b.c.  The brutal Trajanus Decius registers with barely a blip on my radar. It is the holiness of the martyred girl to which we aspire, right?

Cointha is sometimes depicted with a horse in the picture, since she was dragged by one, her ankles tied to it somehow. I wasn't able to find many pictures of her, though. Her feast day is February 8th, and that is about all we know of her.

There are so many of these female saints who passed into the mist of time with barely a whisper of a history! I have often wondered why so little fanfare is given them, while rather more of the male saints have some history to hang onto. I have often wondered why.

At any rate, Christian chronicles don't dally too long with the goings on of kings and princes. Men like Trump are a dime a dozen in antiquity and they provide no inspiration. The saints, however, are another matter, aren't they?

What are we supposed to get from the scant information about Saint Cointha? She gave everything she had for the faith, and I suppose that is enough to know.

My guru, the Swami Swahananda, used to advise me to compare myself and my attributes to those of the Lord. In comparison to the Divine Mother, my gifts of spirit and character pale in comparison. So we shouldn't congratulate ourselves much, if at all, right? Even comparing oneself to the saints is an exercise in humiliation, for the most part.

My mood was greatly improved by the wonderful reminders of today. Feed the garden, not the weeds.

Also, it occurs to me that, instead of getting wrapped around the axle about this era's version of Trajanus Decius and letting him destroy my peace, it is infinitely more appropriate to celebrate and imitate the Lord's creative flow through the creative projects I so love. After all, even the saints need some artistic outlet, now and then. Think of  Hildegard of Bingen and those of her ilk.

The day started with serious mourning and weeping but transmuted itself into the happy creation of a Saint Patrick's day shawl with a crochet pattern and some yarn a friend gave me. In the tween times, I began to write a song - the first in many years. Musical instruments will follow. And sheet music. And things of that persuasion.

During ALL of it; the mourning, the weeping, the writing, the painting, the crochet and the music, my mind is in the lap of The Mother, and we are celebrating.

I hope all of you can transform your sorrows into celebrations today and every day.

God bless us all.

Silver Rose
Sannyasini Kaliprana

(c) copyright 2020 Silver Parnell
All rights reserved.