The Annunciation
Many times, I have explained to the hot headed among us that God does not use force as a method of ensuring obedience.
"If you love me, keep my commandments"
~ John 14:15 ~
The Lord knows that true love will inspire us to follow in His path. When He created us, He gave us free will and He uses enticements and gentle allurements to bring us to Him. He never forces or accuses. He doesn't use any kind of punishment to bring us to Him. It is always a free will offering.
He could have decreed that Mary be the mother of Jesus, for instance. Instead, he sent his angel to ask her if she would accept it. He needed her "yes," her fiat.
When I first came to New Mexico, I had a quote written on a little piece of paper that I had kept in my wallet for several years:
"I will lead her into the desert, and there I
will speak to her heart."
~ Hosea 2:14 ~
Any inspiration that I receive in meditation or contemplation is rooted in Love. Whatever action I may be encouraged to follow, if it truly comes from our Lord, is gentle and flows easily. I am not called to take anyone to task or adopt a harsh demeanor, unless my ego is too activated. In which case, the "inspiration" has to be abandoned.
Richard Rohr has written a beautiful meditation in the orbit of this theme:
"If a voice comes from accusation and leads to accusation,
it is quite simply the voice of the "Accuser," which is the
literal meaning of the biblical word "Satan." Shaming,
accusing, or blaming is simply not how God talks. God is
supremely nonviolent. God only cajoles, softens, and
invites us into an always bigger field and it is always a
unified field."
† Richard Rohr †
There are times when we are sure we are "right" about a topic - and we may very well be "right" - then we get overly involved in discussions with friends or on social media. I have fallen into that trap, at times. We are well meaning. We want to spread "the Truth" around. It may be the "Truth" with a capital "T" but is it God's will that we spread the word? Never mind if it is a "holy" topic. That is not enough to guarantee that God is asking us to champion it.
I am so grateful to read Richard Rohr's wonderful words today. It is a blessing to be reminded of what we know, isn't it?
God bless us all
Silver Rose