I haven't written in a while because I have had to ride herd on the chaos and pray my way intently through it. The month started out fairly well, with the sudden news that a local cemetery was opening up one of their crypts to a mass burial for those who could not afford to inter the cremains of loved ones in a standard crypt with their name on it and everything. This is an opportunity for all those poor people who have uncle Fred or Grandma Jennie sitting in urns on the fireplace mantel, to put their loved ones to rest in an appropriate place, "hallowed ground," as it were...except it is above ground.
My son, who died in early December of last year, did not have an appropriate resting place. His ashes were sitting in a box in the shrine cabinet of my prayer corner in my bedroom and I had no idea how I was going to afford to purchase even the cheapest portion of a crypt because it equaled a month's income for me. It would have taken me years to save that up.
In an era when people are increasingly getting inventive with the cremains of their loved ones, spreading them in the garden, dumping them in a public park, scattering them over the waves, turning them into decorative art pieces, actually wearing them around their necks in tiny silver urns, and, in some cases, turning them into DIAMONDS to be worn in a ring or whatever, the essential sacredness of the human body has been lost.
Here is the important thing to know: We are not a spirit IN a body. That is a New Agey idea, or a Hindu notion. We are BODY AND SOUL. Big difference. The Lord created us in his own likeness and image. Our bodies are holy, as our spirits are meant to be holy. It matters what we do with our bodies, when we are alive, and when we are dead. Although cremation is allowed for Catholics, the church is not crazy about that option. You are free to choose it, but we kinda wish you wouldn't. If at all possible, the church prefers the traditional method of burial in the ground, but you can't ignore how expensive it has become to have a traditional burial. I really wish I could be buried, but at this point I do not see how I am going to afford to do so. That is another problem for another day, but I can't put it off TOO long because I turned 60 this year and time's a wastin'.
So, I was thrilled and grateful to be able to have my son interred. The archbishop will give a nice little mass in their little chapel on the premises, so the whole affair will be blessed. I was over the moon with relief, really. Then all hell broke loose.
All kinds of things happened that, in their nature, were just crazy...and I am talking about crazy people dumping crazy things on me - screaming at me, calling me names, telling me what to do with myself and where to go. All the nuts seem to come out at once, and I wonder if it was the full moon or something else but, suffice it to say, it was VERY difficult, especially for a nice church lady with a rotten case of PTSD.
Meanwhile, it had only been a month or two since the death of my dog, and I was really missing her. My efforts to get a hypoallergenic service dog have turned up NO help. I keep running blurbs for my fundraising site and, so far, out of 105 Facebook friends, I think 3 people have shared it to their timeline. You would think I had asked them for their first born male child! Not only is no one contributing, they won't even run it in their news feed on Facebook! Obviously, no one understands how much I need this DOCTOR PRESCRIBED "item" or they don't care or both.
It was like an explosion of pressures and abuse that was so intense and so insane, I just knew that Satan was behind it, trying to break me down so that I would lose heart, let go of the Lord's hand or lose my religion.
The desert fathers and the desert mothers talk about demons attacking them. Other saints also have had experience with this. The demons come in the form of spirits that assail your dreams, or, in this case, disturbed people. I am not saying that I am a saint, but I am saying that those of us who have devoted the rest of our lives to God, who pray a bit more than the normal gal, whose minds are more fixed on the Divine, are the prime target for Satan.
When this happens to you, my fellow solitaries, please don't let it unnerve you. Just pray more. Use the holy water a LOT. Fix your minds on the Lord throughout the day, and if you feel unsettled at any point, quickly say short prayers aloud while you go about your business. I will say, "Lord save me," very often. "Lord have mercy" is a very good short prayer when I feel I am suffering much or am about to break under the sheer number of crazy attacks. When I am doing my housework, I imagine I am cleaning for Jesus, as if he is about to step through the front door. Sometimes I imagine that our holy mother is accompanying me in my household chores, as I have asked Jesus to send his mother to me so that I always have her example before me of a person who always said "yes" to God, no matter how difficult the task. Sometimes I just practice the presence of God, attending to my work while resting in the Lord wordlessly.
I know this all sounds somewhat simplistic, but the simplest of disciplines can be the most profound. When the world gets to be just too much, retreating into a simple, reliable routine can be healing and uplifting.
Silver Rose